Friday, September 11, 2015

Americans Still Can't Handle The Truth About 9/11

It's that time of the year again when the media inundates us with the mythology surrounding the terrorist events of September 11, 2001. A reality check for those capable of discerning truth from fiction is in order.


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM GMT-5

    obviously :)

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM GMT-5

    Who is the African-American man at 3:14 in the video?

  3. I believe that was Barry Jennings, the New York Housing Authority employee who claimed he witnessed bombs going off in WTC buildings before he was rescued by firefighters.

  4. Sorry, Gary. I just watched your video. But I just don’t buy any of the 911 conspiracy story. None of it. In my opinion the only cover up relates to the source of the terrorists funding, and I guess most people think that trail goes right into the “respectable” houses of Saud. But I really don’t think there is any serious acceptance of any of these conspiracy 911 theories by the mainstream press, or domestic or foreign politicians, or anybody really. The myriad, speculative claims don’t hold water with me. And I rank it all as nonsense right up there with people who doubt we landed on the moon.

  5. What do you make of the thousands of American engineers who've signed a statement of agreement that the impact of planes and resulting fires alone could not have brought down the WTC towers--only a controlled, professional demolition could have succeeded in bringing down the twin towers, along with Building 7, which wasn't even impacted by the planes? Were all the firefighters and other witnesses who heard and saw multiple explosions in the lower levels of the buildings prior to them imploding just making it up?

  6. Jason Hirthler wrote an interesting article and said, "The threat of terrorism is being used to destroy the threat of democracy. I say threat of democracy because we live in a corporate oligarchy." He said further -

    The threat of terrorism is especially useful in achieving the oligarchy’s ultimate purpose—turning America into a full-blown corporate totalitarian state, with the hollow institutions of democracy simply serving as a colorful façade behind which operate the levers of private profit. George Orwell agreed: “A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by Force or Fraud.”

    Free speech may be many things, but Western governments are increasingly of the opinion that it does not include facts that deviate from the state-sanctioned narrative.

    The above spells out rather well the confluence of Corporate Power, the hollowed out puppets with out ideals of shape or form that represent us in government and a press that has it's sole function to validate the facade of our political system.

  7. Eric Morris2:01 PM GMT-5

    Even if there was no conspiracy in conducting the acts, there was a conspiracy to invite them a la Pearl Harbor. Osama in his fatwas clearly stated he was at war and why: US military bases in Saudi Arabia, support for Israel over Palestine, and U.S. bombing Iraq in decade after war.

  8. Terrorists, domestic and foreign, attempt to use fear as a weapon to coerce change in target governments.

    With passage of patriot act and follow-on treason, domestic terrorists achieved that goal.

    Also, the 911 hijackers were largely Saudis yet wall street invades Iraq and Astan.

    We are being played.

  9. Michael Springmann, the former consular officer at the Jeddah consulate in Saudi Arabia, has a revealing 3-part story over at about how the CIA used that consular office to run their Visas for Terrorists Program.

  10. Anonymous5:31 PM GMT-5

    First, seismographic records of the collapse do not show evidence of explosions.

    Second, the structural engineering community rejects the controlled-demolition conspiracy theory. Its consensus is that the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings was a fire-induced, gravity-driven collapse, an explanation that does not involve the use of explosives. (The American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineering Institute) and (Britain's Institution of Structural Engineers).

    Third, the assertion that thousands of engineers believe in demolition is very misleading. The website of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth cites the membership of over 1,500 architects and engineers. “Speculative membership” at best, and no proof that visitors to the site actually agree with the premise.

    Fourth, following the publication of the notorious Jones' paper "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?"[7] Brigham Young University responded to Jones' "increasingly speculative and accusatory" statements by placing him on paid leave, and thereby stripping him of two classes, in September 2006, pending a review of his statements and research. He is no longer with the University. The structural engineering faculty at the university issued a statement which said that they "do not support the hypotheses” he suggested.

  11. Anonymous6:13 PM GMT-5

    Any demolition of the two towers would have required placing explosives on the same floors as the planes hit. Not bloody likely.

  12. Some of us still have functioning brains and eyes and won't be brainwashed by the lies the federal government tells us about everything pertaining to these manufactured events as an excuse to strip away our constitutional rights and transfer the wealth of our nation to a handful of the most evil people known to mankind. You don't have to have an engineering degree to discern the truth about the manner in which those buildings collapsed. They literally vaporized before our eyes, leaving behind but a fraction of the building materials used to build those towers in the small trash heaps below that had pits of hell with running, hot liquid material that turned to granite. There will be a judgment day for these people who are responsible for causing more death and destruction in this world than any other race known to this planet. Tesla would weep if he saw how the great technology his bright mind produced for the good of mankind was used by our government on 9/11.

  13. Anonymous6:51 PM GMT-5

    Anon 5:31 - You scare me to death. Keep setting up those strawmen and knocking them down. Just don't confuse it with reality. Here's reality. No way Building 7 falls on its own. No way in heaven or hell. Why don't you ask Crazy Horse or Sitting Bull or Joseph the Younger if our government is trustworthy? We've had a lot of practice killing people who get in our way. It's not something that started in 2001.

  14. Anonymous8:25 PM GMT-5

    Anyone who still believes the official story of 9/11 should be ashamed of themselves for their complete disregard for the truth. I am an educated intelligent adult capable of critical thinking and I noticed problems with the 'official' story right away. In the last few years, I have watched hundreds of hours of documentaries that cover dozens of aspects of the 9/11 disasters from the viewpoints of many people, with tons of evidence from credible intelligent sources. THERE IS NO QUESTION IN MY MIND THAT 9/11 IS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER PERPETRATED UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. And they're not done yet....

  15. Anonymous7:29 AM GMT-5

    On 9/11/2015 a construction crane operated by the Bin Laden family was struck by lightning during a freak storm, fell on a Saudi mosque and killed 107 people. Do you think that was a false flag event too, or some divine retribution? Get real people. There are enough actual tragic events happening without retreating into some fictional world.

  16. In a new survey by YouGov, 29 percent of respondents said they can imagine a situation in which they would support the military taking control of the federal government – that translates into over 70 million American adults. My point is you can get a lot of stupid people to believe that anything is a good thing. I reference endless surveys where large numbers of people believe we should get rid of the Bill of Rights, etc. There are people out there who believe we never got to the moon. That our entire space program was a sham. That the Boston Marathon was staged by the government. That mass killings like Sandy Hook never happened. The world is full of dangerous, delusional people who believe all sorts of nonsense. If you can't tell conspiracy theory from reality, you have a problem. I wonder who among you would like to tell John Glenn to his face that he never went to space and is a government propaganda tool. I have read dozens of interviews with parents of children killed a Sandy Hook. People who claim it never happened are stupid, should be ashamed of themselves for their mental weakness, and should appreciate hearing the truth.

  17. Anonymous1:50 PM GMT-5

    Right wing conspiracy theorists are alleging that the Charleston, S.C., church massacre was an FBI-CIA false flag operation hatched by the Obama administration with the ultimate goal of “taking away our guns,” after an alleged staged nuclear attack on Charleston failed in 2013.

  18. You mean that interview where the Sandy Hook father is laughing and joking just before he gets into character and begins his scene?

    Anon 11:08 AM GMT-5, may your chains rest lightly upon you and your unfortunate progeny, and may history forget we were brothers.

  19. Anonymous4:21 PM GMT-5

    All these Sandy Hook hoax theories have been completely debunked. If you're still getting your conspiracy theory from YouTube you're getting lazy. A bunch of badly produced exaggerated theories propounded by basement level teenagers. If you don't have anything, you're wasting our time. Only a psychotic would seriously continue to whine about Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon being false flag. Your research is lazy, and the adults all know it.

  20. Anonymous9:53 AM GMT-5

    The Daily Beast is running a truther story today, interviewing a good friend of the fiancee of the journalist killed in the “Roanoke” murders. His beautiful girlfriend was killed on camera. But immediately YouTube exploded with claims it was staged, that it involved “crisis actors” and wasn’t truthful; that she was still out there alive somewhere. The friend went on to describe what the fiancee went thru when he read these tabloid articles, saw the videos, actually walked in on coworkers watching the worst of them in their offices. How he broke down over and over again. How people emailed him to tell him how horrible he was for perpetrating a fraud. I hope you trolls realize what your actions do to parents of Sandy Hook victims, people who lost legs in the Boston Marathon, and such. You become part of the problem because of your inability to process the truth. You listen to the imaginations of idiot basement journalists instead of the real thing. And it causes further damage to those affected. I support freedom to question our government and our press. But weak minds spreading false rumors actually hurts victims, first responders, and those seeking the real truth behind tragedies. How simple if one, really evil government was behind every bad thing. But processing the truth requires so much more investigation than you basement kids can do online. When a 6 year old truly believes there are monsters under the bed, its so hard to explain that when they grow up they won’t believe that anymore. There are monsters out there. But if you’re stuck believing every conspiracy theory, how will you recognize who to really fear.

  21. So the video where the "father" of the "dead child" is laughing and joking around with others just before he straightens up and gets into character for his monologue is a conspiracy?

  22. Anonymous8:28 AM GMT-5

    Can the naysayers debunk Operation Mockingbird, Operation Northwoods, or the CIA memorandum titled "Countering Criticism of the Warren Report"?
