Monday, August 17, 2015

Pence Returns To Hospital For Second Surgery

Gov. Mike Pence's office released a statement indicating the governor returned to St. Vincent Hospital today where he had an operation just last Friday to repair a hernia for a second surgery to resolve "minor complications" resulting from the initial surgery. Gov. Pence transferred his executive authority to Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann temporarily as he did during last week's surgery since he will be under general anesthesia during the surgery. He is expected to be released from the hospital and allowed to return home later tonight.

UPDATE: The governor's office released this statement indicating the surgery went well:
"The Governor’s surgery was successful and he has returned to the Governor’s residence to rest and recover,” said Press Secretary Kara Brooks. “The Governor and the First Lady are truly grateful for the kind concern and prayers of so many Hoosiers. The Governor looks forward to resuming a full schedule next week."


  1. I think we can be sure the Governor has good health insurance that will take care of his medical bills, somehow I think the prayers will not pay the medical bills. Here in AmeriKa if you cannot afford health care insurance or afford a college education too bad for you.

  2. ""minor complications" resulting from the initial surgery" = "You should have gone to Chicago for surgery."

  3. Anonymous7:57 AM GMT-5

    An analysis of 40 million Medicare patients' records found that one in nine surgical patients developed a hospital-acquired infection. Although I always believed Pence sported an infectious smile, statistically speaking its more probably his groin.

  4. Flogger, we all have good health insurance now. President Obama says so. It must be true.

  5. 19 million more Americans have health insurance due to the ACA. Suck that into your colostomy bag.

  6. Just because they have insurance on paper via the ACA doesn't mean they'll be able to afford the huge deductible should they every get sick. Having insurance and using it are two vastly different things.
