Sunday, August 02, 2015

Jimmy Carter: USA Is An Oligarchy

Former President Jimmy Carter and I are in total agreement. He says the United States has become an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being at the essence of getting elected. He thinks it's going to take a series of horrible, disgraceful set of events to change the system.


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM GMT-5

    Oligarchy doesn't explain the tyranny of police that cause every American to tremble at the idea of taking a simple drive.

    The people have had any notion of being free utterly crushed by the relentless swarm of thug cops that are everywhere in America and hate the idea that the People are superior to the cops.

    Carter and you need to work on your theory a little more. Someone's driving the cops. They're too dumb to come up with a coordinated plan on their own. That person or group who runs the cops is the true master of America.

  2. Anonymous6:41 PM GMT-5

    Blue Indy Protest, Monday August 3rd, 7:30-9AM: Join Pastor Joe Quintana
    on Cruft Street at the 2600 block south of Shelby Street in the Garfield Park area

  3. Its frightening the amount of money already being spent on the next Presidential campaign season. I worry about what it will mean to have political offices going to the candidate that can afford to “buy” it. Eliminating limits on campaign donations was a gift to incumbents everywhere. Supreme Court Justice RB Ginsburg called the ruling the most disappointing in her 22 year tenure on the court. Jimmy Carter is a man I trust on the subject of fair elections. Its very disheartening to hear him speak this way about the United States.

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM GMT-5

    He would know. Jimmy Carter is the biggest phony around!

  5. Anonymous4:52 AM GMT-5

    If you all see whats happening with the Trump campaign and what he is saying, the whores and pimps in DC, are very upset with him, because their money and influence is no good to him. They will try to look into his past, find some little personality glitch, or relationship gone wrong, with a scorned women to tell all, anything to destroy him, The Republicans must have the goods on Trump, they say he will not last, looks like their waiting for the right moment to slip their nasty story to their willing accomplices in the media to destroy him,then life will be good for all, except the American people!

  6. Well, the US is more of a jihadi caliphate than an oligarchy right now, but that might come to an end in 2016 with another election. Then again martial law could be declared and the caliphate could be permanent.
