Friday, August 07, 2015

Hillary Has The Kartrashian Vote, How Fitting


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM GMT-5

    One person in this picture is a parasite on the American people. Can you guess which one?

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM GMT-5

    So we've sunk to the level of presidential candidates taking photos with and raising campaign dollars from porn stars. God save us.

  3. I suppose some focus group triangulation indicated that Hillary could show her appeal to the self indulgent and self proclaimed V.I.P.'s in Kartrashian Land. It does appear Hillary's face got an Airbrush touch up or lot of pancake make-up. What next cooking with Hillary on the Food Channel?? I can see it now Look at me I am Hillary, I can boil water!!! MSNBC - Chris Matthews marvels at Hillary's ability to watch boiling water and connect with women.

  4. The culture vulture coalition is half alive & not well...


  5. This panorama of surface image lacking in substance will send a clear message to the superficial culture voter of today. You know, the voters who believe what they see in the controlled media and on mtv?

  6. Anonymous4:59 PM GMT-5

    Ugh. I cannot for the LIFE of me understand why anyone gives a rats behind about all this incredibly stupid family. They have made NO contribution to the social betterment in the country. Worthless. It is another reason I don't have cable. It is filled with garbage like this.

  7. I wonder how much Hillary paid for this photo op?
