Monday, July 13, 2015

The Sun Is Going To Sleep

For a long time now, real scientists have known Earth's climate is driven mostly by solar activity, not man-made activities on Earth. Evidence is now piling up our sun is entering a new grand minimum cycle like occurred on Earth 400 years ago when there was little sun spot activity. The last such solar minimum period referred to as the Maunder Minimum, which extended from 1645 to 1715, coincided with The Little Ice Age during which Europe and North America experienced prolonged, unusually harsh winters. Suspicious Observers notes great, world-wide famines occurred during the Maunder Minimum.


  1. Gary,

    Scientifically correct.

    Politically incorrect.

    Remember Galileo

  2. Yeah, well, facts are facts. Sheila Kennedy and her ilk can go pound smoke.

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM GMT-5

    Gary, thanks greatly for posting this report that the Sun is moving toward a less active "sleep" phase. The reduced solar activity will impact the already cooling planet. I find it just amazing that regardless of the evidence of scientific manipulation by deniers of global cooling, left liberal Democrats bitterly cling to their errors about "global warming". Facts are inconvenient things and the facts are that the entire Universe is cooling, the Sun is cooling, and Planet Earth is cooling. In the meantime, the Sun and Earth undergo periodic blips on measurement scales but the scientific literature indicates that in the end, the entire Cosmos will be one huge deep freeze where it is so cold even subatomic particles may stop gyrating. The real "deniers" are the disciples of the religious cult we know as "liberalism" whose groupthink adherents still bitterly cling to the lie of "global warming".

  4. Global warming isn't just a left-wing inspired notion. It is pushed by folks who make fortunes from government-ordered changes to alleviate the so-called global warming problem. The Indiana Chamber of Commerce has jumped on board the effort to turn water into a hot new commodity for profit-making purposes. The untapped, primary water found deep inside the Earth provides more than an ample supply of cheap, natural water for all of Earth's population. You can tap into primary water in the most arid regions of the world, including the Sahara Desert. It was not by accident that U.S. warplanes blew up deep-water infrastructure projects in Libya that promised abundant water supplies for all of the people in that region. These people pretend lakes, rivers, man-made reservoirs and the aquifers found close to the Earth's service, all of which are polluted and require substantial money to treat, are our only source of water. Tesla invented a way of generating free electricity for everyone more than a hundred years ago. Arguably the most brilliant man in the past several hundred years, he was vilified and died a broken man because of the evil bastards who would not be denied their vast fortunes because of his ideas for helping all of humanity. Our lives are made so much more difficult and costly than they should be because of the evil people who control and run this world for their own financial benefit.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM GMT-5

    But what does Trump think? Isn't he your main, Republican man now? Polling number 1 in Republican circles. Does it really matter what the rest of us think? Its all about the Donald now. If he wants to make energy policy based on a cooling sun, then the rest of us will follow his lead. I will capitulate to the overwhelming desire of the majority of the Republican electorate, as of today, and place all my faith in Donald Trump as the leader of the free world, and thus, the decider of global energy policy.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM GMT-5

    Gary, my friend, do not forget that oil is made by the Earth's core and not by dinosaurs.

    How did all those dinosaurs get onto Titan which has deep surface lakes of petrocarbons?

  7. And the lie about oil not being a renewable energy source. The Earth is constantly generating oil through a natural process.

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM GMT-5

    In the 1960s, Soviet scientists set out on a bid to drill the deepest hole they could. Their plan was to make it down to the Mohorovičić discontinuity, the boundary between the crust and the upper mantle, at around 22 miles depth. They dug for 24 years, and made it just 7.5 miles. The water, if it's there, would be another 315 or so miles yet.

    Of course we would like to tap California’s own “primary” water — the theory is that water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. This water can be located everywhere on the planet. For instance Baghdad’s water comes from bores into the neighboring mountains that pour out a steady, pressurized water flow. It is probably what accounts for the water flowing in wells in oases in the desert, where there is neither rainfall nor mountain run-off to feed them.

    Dramatic evidence that earthquakes can release water from deep within the earth was demonstrated last August, when Napa was hit with a 6.0 quake. Solano County suddenly enjoyed a massive new flow of water in local creeks, including a reported 200,000 gallons per day just from Wild Horse Creek. These increased flows are still ongoing, puzzling researchers who have visited the area.

    Where did this enormous waterflow come from? If it were being released from a shallow aquifer, something would have to replace that volume of withdrawal, which was occurring at the rate of over 1,000 gallons per minute – over 10 times the pre-quake flow. Massive sinkholes or subsidence would be expected, but there were no such reports. Evidently these new waters were coming from much deeper sources, released through crevices created by the quake.

    But how to access it? That is the question. And who will profit? Probably another relevant question. I’m guessing it will be the “Trump primary water deep well.”

  9. Anonymous9:54 AM GMT-5

    Anon 9:07 here, Gary.

    (1) Yes, absolutely to each and every word of your 9:19 comment post. We are in complete agreement; I stand by my earlier commentary yet I do accept that I should have been more comprehensive as have you.

    (2) To Anon 9:26: Donald Trump has no bearing on this conversation. What Donald Trump thinks is not an iota pertinent to the original posting nor the commentary postings. Ergo, I have to believe 9:26 is a disciple of the mental disorder of liberalism. When confronted with facts, left of center liberals lose emotional control, go ballistic, and deflect and strain to change the subject. 9:26 wants us to talk about Trump instead of to see how wrong liberals are on solar, planet earth, and cosmological reality.. actually they are wrong and confused about everything in reality altogether.

  10. Solar activity decreasing with global temperature increasing is just another reason to validate man-made climate change. I fail to comprehend what the post is trying to infer. Possibly that we should increase CO2 emissions to further warm a planet that could face a future ice age? The greenhouse deniers are those whose politics are influenced by a Republican party tied to the fossil fuel industry and polluting corporations that fear any loss of revenue. It's that simple.

  11. A "disciple of the mental disorder of liberalism." I really get a kick out of this guy. Where did you dig him up? Anon 9:54. Kooky. But lets not miss the real message here. The Republicans are going to have to define their energy policy, and that means oil, coal, clean air, fracking and clean water discussions. Trump, as well as every other candidate, will take questions on each of these issues. This sun spot issue, this has a bullet and may very well affect weather and satellites and space defense issues. Trump's an early favorite. He's going to get questions, and he's going to answer questions. The answer will never be that the issues are traps framed by "disciples of the mental disorder of liberalism," because Republicans have concerns over the same issues. I think one of the benefits of the large field right now is that none of them gets in depth coverage. I smile when I think of Trump fielding questions from a relentless press on matters he knows little about. I don't think he will be front runner long. And your kooky jock supporter that thinks everyone on the left is mentally ill. He's a funny guy.

  12. oh, Anon 10:20... you are a great comedian. I always enjoy the riotous laughter I get from you. for real you're the best joke going on this site. one suggestion...tone down the hate and bully mentality you got going

  13. Sheila Kennedy? You know she's in SPEA, right? Without a cause of the day into which to insert themselves and be seen as the keepers of the Proper Course, SPEA is irrelevant to both the academy and society.

    SPEA needs to continually manufacture crises to grouse about so as to stay in the mix. SPEA is also the only place in a university where out-and-out political hacks can land a job under the guise of pretending to do academic work for propounding the same nonsense they spewed while in politics.

  14. Trump has my vote, but I fear he's just another insider rino poser beholden to the banksters. I guess he'll have my vote till he names 0prah as vp or some other ignorance like being a member of the cfr or boogerbuilders. be that as it may, some people, who are scientists, are saying we're going to see a lot cooler temps in the years to come and these temps won't be due to mankind but the sun. I suppose if we paid carbon taxes to Al Gore he could do something about it.

  15. Since the new normal is for corporations to lobby government to pass laws requiring that we purchase their products, I hope Ford and GM are hard at work buying Congressmen. It won't be long before your friendly neighborhood liberal is demanding that you buy an SUV to save the planet.

  16. A scientist you are not. Neither is this guy. The solar minimum's impact in the age of global warming (a phase I give him credit for using) will be minimal. The "little ice age" is an age, as Romm puts it, in the way that Pluto is a planet, regional in scope and likely caused by volcanic activity.
    "Whatever cooling the Little Ice Age saw as result of the Maunder Minimum, it pales in comparison to the warming we are already experiencing — let alone the accelerated warming projected by multiple studies."

    As for your conspiracy theories, I'd suggest cheeking the amount of federal subsidies to oil companies and the amount that come back in lobbying and campaign contributions.

  17. Temperatures have been cooling down for several years now, Paul. The global warming folks were caught red-handed fudging temperature statistics to support a cause the empirical data does not support.

  18. If you're referring to "Climategate," the claim that data was manipulated by British scientists has been disproven, multiple times. What was claimed to be manipulation was actually peer-reviewed homogenization which resulted in adjustments down as much as up. Even if the e-mails mean what the deniers say they mean, there is more than enough evidence of a warming planet.

    Your commenter in the video you posted accepts that we are in "an age of global warming." 9 of 10 of the warmest years on record have been since 2000. 2015 is on track to be the hottest ever, topping the current hottest, 2014. Temperatures have continued to rise in the last 35 years despite decreasing solar activity.

  19. is anything but objective. It is another cut-out NGO funded by the CIA as part of its ongoing Operation Mockingbird effort to propagandize the American people. No other country in the world save for North Korea is more propagandized by their government with false information than the United States.

  20. Lol even when they get caught fabricatin' they spin it into fact. Wich brings up some suspicion I've long held. Most libs seem to be people who can never admit they are wrong, and when shown the facts are otherwise they resist reality for their own version and insist you do the same. I suspect that they had serious issues with correction from their fathers. Also, they imagine themselves progressive when what they espouse is the opposite, and are tolerant and open minded only to their own exclusive agenda. They often look down upon others for not accepting the cia propaganda. Just some thoughts....

  21. Anonymous2:03 PM GMT-5

    NASA lies, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration lies, the EPA lies, scientists lie, the greenhouse effect is a lie, thermometers lie, professors lie, the Pope lies, Obama lies. Make$ for good campaigning, no?
