Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Rev. Charles Harrison Not Running For Mayor As An Independent

Rev. Charles Harrison has announced he is not going to seek election this year as an independent candidate for Indianapolis mayor after someone paid an out-of-state firm money to collect thousands of signatures on petitions to place him on this year's municipal general election ballot and put up a website, Apparently Rev. Harrison mistakenly thought he could continue working his regular job preaching from the pulpit at the Barnes United Methodist Church while running for mayor. Rev. Harrison said consideration of his young children and concerns expressed by church leadership led him to his decision not to run for mayor.

This news must come as a big disappointment to Marion Co. Republicans, who were counting on Harrison's independent candidacy siphoning off enough black votes from Democrat Joe Hogsett to provide a path to victory for their unknown, untested candidate, businessman Chuck Brewer, who only moved to Indianapolis less than four years ago from Chicago. Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, who is filling in this morning for WIBC's Tony Katz, had expected Rev. Harrison to appear live on the show this morning to announce his candidacy. Instead, Harrison sent him and other media a text message announcing he was not a candidate.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM GMT-5

    The MCRCC/Marion County GOP will definitely be disappointed that they will be unable again to use their time honored trick of multiple or "additional" candidates. I guess when you do not have confidence in the front man you chose you have to work behind the scenes (even more) to push someone over the finish line the Marion County voters apparently do not want. This foil is perfected by the utterly unethical GOP high-ups who often do not put forth candidates honestly selected by "the people" but shove to the front their political chess chits to be Councilors, Judges, you name it, for future play, to vote the way told, and to reap crony benefits. Remember David Brooks' large chia pet Rivera?

    When Dan Burton (finally) stepped down, recall the multiple candidates who popped up almost one at a time falling all over themselves? When David engineered his liberal Republican attorney judge wife Susan Brooks' run in the 5th Congressional she barely beat out McIntosh by about a thousand votes. I have to believe some dummy candidates (apt descriptor) entered that race to keep McIntosh from defeating the pretend-conservative Susan Brooks who is now Democrat-lite John Boehner's third rib.

    It is a crying shame the Democrats have nothing better to offer as Indy mayor with their Lying Joe Hogsett who had to intentionally ignore the blatant lawlessness in the Mayor's office and white collar legal crimes in Marion County "elite" political circles in general.

    As for Abdul the Fool who is completely owned by the Marion County GOP, I am laughing out loud. He told my table at a B&T seminar that his highest aspiration in life was to be a comedian; I can attest he is for real a clown and for sure a joke.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM GMT-5

    I remember you from that Barnes and Thornburg seminar Anon 7:48. You waited on my table and I left you a big tip. Here's another one. Joe Hogsett is going to be Mayor. And he's getting tired of "that guy" who keeps calling him Lying Joe.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM GMT-5

    Anon 8:25, thank you so much for your comment regarding my 7:48 comment. Your memory is as much a lie as is Joe Hogsett. There was no food involved at the B&T seminar and hence no wait staff and hence no waiters and hence no tip. Your comment is not accurate at all and if it was a stab at humor, you missed. But we AI readers have come to expect that from you, sir.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM GMT-5

    If you go to the Marion County Clerk's web page under candidate filings.

    Rev Harrison shows as having filed. The web page shows he has filed a CAN-44 form running as an independent in the upcoming General Election.

    Looks like, according to this web site, he is already filed and will be on the ballot!

  5. I was at the B&T seminar as well. There was no food served at the event just as there is little truth offered up here at 8:25.

  6. Abdul the Fool seems about right. By the way, liberals don't leave tips let alone large ones....

  7. I guess the commenter implies it was perfectly acceptable for left liberal Democrats to many times throw the hate and call George Bush a "Nazi" [it happened, go it up] but no one should dare label a liberal Democrat as being less than honest in his campaigning, is this what my eyes are reading??

  8. Anonymous1:45 PM GMT-5

    He was joking! The comment about waiting on his table was in jest and, even though I think the guy's a sad clown, was pretty effective.

  9. Anon 9:24, the CAN-44 is the petition a person signs when he or she is authorizing signatures to be collected for a possible candidacy. I find nothing in Harrison's filings which indicate he ever signed this form. Behind the CAN-44 forms are the pages on which you collect signatures. (You can run off as many pages as you need.) It's a good question as to whether petitions should be circulated for a prospective candidate without that prospective candidate first signing the authorization on the first page of CAN-44.
