Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pulliam Square Puppy Park

As a condition to sharing in $5.5 million in public subsidies for its Pulliam Square mixed residential/retail project at the site of the former Indianapolis Star, TWG Development, LLC agreed to construct a publicly-accessible dog park and public plaza on North Delaware Street. Here's the new Puppy Park. Thank Mayor Greg Ballard and your Indianapolis City-County Council members for "investing" your tax dollars so wisely.


  1. Wow. Really? Way to underwhelm, Indy!

  2. Anonymous6:43 PM GMT-5

    Seriously? What a monument to Mayor Ballards "leadership"!

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM GMT-5

    I can't wait for the urine soaked aroma and fleas jumping on passersby. Mommy, is this where we are eating today.

  4. From Yuppies to Guppies to One-Uppies: If that's moving' up then I'm.... movnin' out...

  5. Anonymous4:45 AM GMT-5

    Hey now, we're just like Paris and London thanks to Blue Indy. WISH-TV, the local station that managed to lose a network affiliation said so. We also have that rainbow flag out on I70 reminding the world that we welcome everyone, except southern white males who fly the Confederate flag, of course. Even San Francisco doesn't do that. Our Pacers bikeshare is more popular than Denver's. Yeah, I know it's because everyone owns a bike in Denver while here the bike fund was blown on cigarettes, but still. This dog park is a great idea because what Indy needs more than anything is another piece of empty land covered with feces.

    Don't you dare say anything bad about the Chubby Marine or our world class city. People might find out and they might move the annual hardware convention to Flint or Toledo.

  6. Anonymous5:44 AM GMT-5

    Disgusting. -Enough said

  7. Professor David7:55 AM GMT-5

    Some years ago I stopped at the Trump Tower showplace on New York's Fifth Avenue. As you enter, there is a sign indicating how to get to the public park (I forget the precise title), so I decided to try it. It was outside, maybe on the second floor, a totally concrete plaza maybe with a few potted trees. I was the only person there. Later, I asked a New Yorker about it, and was told that because of this wonderful gift to the city, he was given an abatement to add several extra floors.

  8. This is ridiculous. What puppy could possibly consider a giant crate a park where it cannot run?!?
