Friday, July 17, 2015

Is Glenda Ritz The Next Charlie White?

Anyone who has been paying the least bit of attention to Indiana politics the past couple of years knows there is an organized effort by the corrupt ruling elites in both political parties to discredit and destroy Supt. of Public Education Glenda Ritz in any way possible because she doesn't support the agenda of the folks using education reform as another excuse to use our public tax dollars for self-profiteering. In my previous post, I talk about how the corrupt elites who control our state twisted and warped a long-standing, lenient voter residency legal standard to mean something entirely different than it was ever intended to be applied, as well as the state's criminal law against theft, to turn an otherwise innocent man, former Secretary of State Charlie White, into a political pariah and felon. Now watch as they give Glenda Ritz the Charlie White treatment. From WRTV's Rafael Sanchez:
Just one day after the Glenda Ritz gubernatorial campaign revealed it had only raised $30,000 so far this year, there are now new questions surrounding that money.
Call 6 Investigates dug into the records Thursday and found possible violations of state election law.
As is required for all statewide candidates, the Ritz campaign filed a mandatory finance report earlier this week with the Indiana Election Division.
Several sources and records suggest the Ritz campaign may have violated state election law by accepting donations while the Indiana General Assembly was meeting.
The specific law prohibits a person serving as a legislator or a statewide office holder from soliciting or accepting campaign contributions – and from conducting other fundraising activities – during the regular legislative session.
This year, the legislature was at work between Jan. 6 and April 29.
A look into Ritz’s campaign fundraising filing shows that her campaign received 28 contributions totaling $8,775 while the legislature was in session . . .
So, yeah, Indiana has this law that says you can't solicit and accept campaign contributions while the General Assembly is in session. The arbitrary days the rule applied this year extended from January 6 to April 29. Mike Pence raised over $20,000 the first few days of January before the barred period commenced and over $30,000 during the first two weeks of May after the period ended. Glenda Ritz received 28 contributions during this artificially-created period totaling $8,775 so she's a felon, she must be prosecuted and forced from political office. If anyone believes that any of the lawmakers or statewide elected officials aren't raising campaign dough during that supposed period campaign contributions are barred, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I will sell you. They're just smart enough not to record dates on their campaign finance reports those contributions were solicited or received that would fun afoul of the law. There's also a law that bars casino operators from making campaign contributions, but the lobbyists and law firms who represent their interests before state officials are among the largest campaign contributors in the state. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how the law is evaded, but nobody will ever be prosecuted for skirting the law.

The law is a total joke when you think about it. Decisions regarding legislation considered during any legislative session are made months ahead of the start of the legislative session when the drafting process begins. Governors of all political stripes condition their support for legislation approved by the legislature based upon a financial commitment to raise or contribute funds for his re-election so the period contributions are barred has no impact on his fundraising activities whatsoever. Glenda Ritz doesn't have a vote or veto over any legislative decision, but she's the one the law will be used to ensnare to finish her off. The education profiteers who control the state will finally exact their revenge for defeating their stooge, Tony Bennett, who got a free get-out-of-jail card after committing multiple felonies by using employees and resources of his political office for the purpose of raising campaign contributions, but Glenda Ritz is the bad guy. See how the system works for the corrupt insiders, folks?

UPDATE: The Indianapolis Star joins the fray. Ritz's folks say the contributions were received prior to the period in question but not deposited until later. A state elections official says that doesn't matter.
. . .  Ritz campaign spokesman Pat Terrell said the contributions in question were actually received before the legislative session, but weren’t deposited until after the session began.
But that may still be a violation.
“The critical moment is when the check or cash is deposited into a bank account,” said Bradley King, co-director of the state election division . . . 


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM GMT-5

    While I am no huge fan of Glenda Ritz, I am not at all a fan of the corruptive practices of our political ruling classes. In fact, the more Ritz is targeted by the corrupt crony "elite" the more I have moved to her, "simpatico".
    And this from a Marion County/State GOP.

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM GMT-5

    To your point, check out the large number of contributions John Gregg's campaign reported the day after the ban was lifted.

  3. Anonymous8:30 AM GMT-5

    I was not aware of what was happening to Glenda Ritz, but I am now; thanks Gary. Sounds more like a mistake than an intentional act. Doesn’t anyone in her campaign know about the prohibition? Perhaps the filing can be amended. She hasn’t been charged with anything by a prosecutor, right? So perhaps cooler heads will prevail. We seem to have so much actual fraud, I hate these stories where good people get caught up in accidental infractions.

  4. To me it looks like somebody wanted to shine a light on the fact that Glenda Ritz has only raised $30,000. The supposed legal violations are a sideshow.

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM GMT-5

    If Glenda Ritz were to be successful and prevail in the Democratic Primary, in my opinion, she would become our next Governor. I am a Republican and have worked with Glenda when she was active in the Teacher's Union. However, both the established Democratic and established GOP leadership fear her. In part, because they cannot control her. Yes, Gary is correct, Glenda Ritz will become the next Charlie White.

  6. Isn't this just another example of her political non-sophistication showing? From what I have read, that has been the main cause of friction. Two years into her term and the staff she's gathered around her aren't savvy enough to prevent this error?

  7. She is such a ditz she is bound to run afoul of these complex laws

  8. Glenda Ritz will probably have my vote. Pence's selection of per your earlier blog - "Gov. Mike Pence decided it would be a good idea to outsource the doling out of those dollars to a group of ten "business executives," most of whom would be more aptly described as political cronies." The selection of Gold$mith and his cronies was so far over the top.

    John Gregg needs to go out to pasture. With a bit of gallows humor I have to laugh about our Corporate McMega-Media latching on to this story, while they stand in and smell a cesspool of corruption all around them but keep trying to spray perfume in the air.

  9. Anonymous3:38 PM GMT-5

    Since the GOP primary does not provide any meaningful alternatives to the BTlaw hand-picked crew, I am considering asking for a Democratic ballot and voting for Glenda Ritz.

  10. Anonymous4:40 PM GMT-5

    Thanks for posting this Gary's! The a$$holes at the Star posted a story similar to channel 6 this afternoon. What a petty charge against her. Maybe her staff is more focused on education than they are on politicking and making sure campaign finance paperwork gets fudged correctly? I don't even like her but knowing that she is an outsider makes me want to send her campaign cash and maybe even vote for her.

  11. Anonymous5:45 PM GMT-5

    If Ms. Ritz had an ounce of charm I'd be on board, but she is the most viscerally unlikeable politician I have ever seen in my long life. Good Lord, this isn't that tough. You get an image coach and you work on it. You don't have to be Bill Clinton, but it helps if you're not Nurse Rachet.

  12. Anonymous7:16 AM GMT-5

    I agree with you on the campaign against Ritz, but I lost all respect for her when she ceremoniously walked out of that meeting like a child. If I pulled a stunt like that at my job I would be fired. You have to face the music and her tactics have made her very unlikeable. She has done this to herself.

  13. Anonymous1:17 PM GMT-5

    Fox59 repeated this story on the 11 pm news last night (7/17/15), read with fervor by Nicole Pence, the governor's niece.

  14. Anonymous2:38 PM GMT-5

    Ritz isn't an outsider. Her entire career is government employment.
