Monday, June 15, 2015

Hogsett Rolls Out Latest Ad

Indianapolis Democratic mayoral hopeful Joe Hogsett has rolled out his second TV ad of this campaign season. This one talks about a serious car accident in which his father was involved when he was six years old. This experience allows him to know what it's like for a family of four to struggle to survive according to the candidate's message. He promises to deliver a message for making Indianapolis stronger during his campaign.

Republican mayoral candidate Chuck Brewer released a YouTube clip, which is apparently crafted as a Chamber of Commerce-like message encouraging out-of-state businesses to choose Indianapolis. It is not airing on Indianapolis TV stations. He says he was born in Connecticut, joined the military, has lived all around the world, you don't have to live with higher taxes (although that's precisely what the current Republican occupant of the mayor's office has chosen to do repeatedly over the past seven and a half years) and that's why he chose Indianapolis to locate his business. You can view it by clicking here. The coding does not permit me to share it on this blog.


  1. Hogsett's ad says nothing, really, and it says nothing about the Indianapolis political corruption Hogsett had to intentionally turn a blind eye when he was Attorney for the Indiana Southern District. I guess Lying Joe Hogsett is going to follow Hillary Rodham Clinton's cue and use financial struggle to curry voter favor. The reason all of us struggle financially is because of "government" and "government" can only return to us what it must first steal away from us. No, Joe, you as Mayor really cannot improve our financial lot regardless of what you say. I am done voting for liberal Democrats, any Democrat, to blunt the RINO "R" crony insider system; the two parties are indistinguishable.

    I am a Marion County GOP member and Chuckie Brewer gave me even more reasons to substantiate my refusal to vote for him ever. He flatly stated recently that he is going to continue the [corrupt] policies of outgoing Greg Ballard. Corrupt Ballard actually denied Indianapolis voters the opportunity to toss his corpulent self out of office by not running for a third term. If you listen to Brewer carefully in this video, he is totally everything Greg Ballard is and stands for and that is corruption and pay to play and higher fees and higher taxes as possible. It's no wonder that ad is currently not running here in town.

    If I go to the polls, I will not vote for Hogsett nor will I waste my time voting for Greg Ballard's twin, Chuck Brewer.

  2. Really? They set the coding so it couldn't be shared? Are they insane? That's the only way he gets his name and message sharing.

  3. If that's my choice, I'm moving. As an aside, somebody needs to tell Chuckles and all the other cheerleaders who trot out the Livability downtown ranking that #3 isn't anything to brag about. Livability named Fort Worth Texas as America's best DT. Livability is paid placement, it would appear, because Fort Worth isn't even the best downtown in the DFW metroplex, let alone the country.

  4. In Re: Ogden @ 10:41-- Chuck Brewer is such a poor choice- and it is highly evident on this video- that perhaps the crony RINO Republican insiders who secretly recruited and selected him believe the less that is known about their guy [by not airing the video locally] the better their chances of fooling the general voting public and thus retaining their hold on the mayor's seat. Brewer started off his political debut with lies and multiple addresses...doesn't bode well, tells us just what we are going to get if he assumes Ballard's corrupt shoes....I'm just saying...

  5. Anonymous5:57 PM GMT-5

    The Hogster's ad doesn't say anything and times are VERY different than they were in 1962!

    The sad fact is that the parties put these clowns in because THEY think they know what is best for us. PLLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE! Sadder yet is the sheep who will follow.

  6. There's still time, room & need, for an independent candidate... We can do better!

  7. Chuckie Brewer is just a fallback pasty candidate Hogsett should somehow fail to be elected mayor. These ads are so terrible I have been barfing just from seeing them!

  8. Why would you want to promote the fact you are born somewhere else in the country when you are running for elected office here. That only reinforces the idea you are not of this community. Could give some the image of a carpet bagging politician.

    I also agree not making the video shareable is a huge mistake. Brewer's name recognition is not very good and with out the ability of people to share it he his going to have a hard time denting that issue facing his campaign. Not a great roll out in the first few months of his mayoral run.
