Thursday, June 11, 2015

Another IMPD Officer Under Investigation

A 7-year veteran IMPD officer, Joseph Taylor, is under investigation for allegedly beating his wife Tuesday morning. WRTV says Taylor has been placed on paid administrative leave after his wife was hospitalized on Tuesday to treat a facial fracture, internal bleeding and bruises she said she suffered during the assault. Taylor's gun, badge and police car were taken from him when he reported for duty at the Southeast District on Tuesday night. No arrest of the officer has been made yet.


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM GMT-5

    Any of us would be under immediate arrest if a woman so much as complained to the police about us.

    Evidence or not, we'd be under immediate arrest.

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM GMT-5

    I hope the woman will be ok. Is it okay Gary if we ask for people to pray for her on this blog?

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM GMT-5

    Not under arrest? Hard to believe. It sounds as if this woman was violently beaten with a weapon (ie; nightstick) to sustain this kind of injury. Joe Public would be under the jail by now. But the new era Gestapo are not required to abide by the laws same as Joe Public. Rick Hite should be ran out of Indy on a rail if this guy isn't behind bars by sunrise tomorrow. Or....maybe she "had it coming to her"???

  4. That's fine with me, anon. 9:15.

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM GMT-5

    What is outrageous is that this accused officer is on paid
    leave even if would be found guilty of battery. He is
    getting paid for doing nothing.

    Curry will eventually cut him a deal - he resigns in exchange for no
    criminal charges ever being brought. Until then, other cops will
    communicate not so subtle messages to the victim that she's in big trouble
    if she doesn't do what she''s supposed to do (decline to cooperate)
    according to their standards

    Meanwhile, Curry was in South Bend looking for the nearest TV cameras.

    Curry is a hypocrite

  6. Anonymous6:41 AM GMT-5

    Consider this folks...can't arrest him if witness is not willing to make a police report. Battered women are not always ready for one reason or another to make a police report at the time of the domestic violence. There is administrative action being taken because there may be NO report made by victim. Battered women need time to process and feel ready to "walk that road to justice." It is not easy for them and they need to feel empowered and ready to take the next step. There is NO mandatory domestic violence reporting in Indiana. Until there is a report generated and a cooperating witness there can be no successful criminal investigation. There is a lot more here than we know and it is easy to come to an opinion on what we think should happen but we have NO facts other than what Advance Indiana reported.
    Do we know if his administrative leave is paid for...there is nothing in Advance Indiana that indicates he is paid during this administrative leave?

  7. Anonymous8:47 AM GMT-5

    This happened in Johnson County so this is a Greenwood Police Jurisdiction and Johnson County Prosecutor case so IMPD and Mr. Curry have no control over what/if charges are filed. IMPD leadership has done what they can do at this point, rest is up to Johnson County.

  8. Thanks for the info annon. 8:47. That certainly doesn't play to the Terry Curry bashing/ IMPD cover up conspiracy theory perpetuated on this blog.

  9. Anonymous5:17 PM GMT-5

    I have watched him scream at her and seeing him scream at elderly people I did not know who they were but he is a bad man
