Saturday, January 31, 2015

Over Half Of GOP Precinct Committee Persons Boycott Slating Convention

Well, I'm glad to see a majority of the Marion County Republican precinct committee persons decided to do what I chose to do today and boycott the Marion Co. GOP slating convention for this year's municipal election. The corrupt and rigged system yielded zero contests for the 25 City-County Council seats and a disingenuous, clueless candidate for mayor who only moved to Indianapolis from Chicago a little more than three years ago and who can't even figure out what his legal voting residence is. Radio talk show host Amos Brown tweets that the certified count for today's slating convention shows that fewer than 50% of the 590 precinct commiteepersons bothered to show up today to participate in the charade. That is a record low turnout.

UPDATE: Here's how a party press release put lipstick on this pig:

Saturday morning, hundreds of Marion County Republicans gathered to select their endorsed candidates for the upcoming 2015 municipal elections. Republicans slated candidates for communities within Marion County including Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Lawrence, Southport, Speedway, Homecroft and Warren Park.

Marion County Republican Party Chairman Kyle Walker said, "This is an important year for our Party and I am very encouraged by the quality of candidates we have representing us in neighborhoods across Indianapolis."

The most high profile race is the one for Mayor of Indianapolis. Local entrepreneur and 23-year Marine Chuck Brewer will lead the ticket as the candidate endorsed by hundreds of dedicated Republican precinct volunteers. Brewer owns two restaurants in the Circle City, spent ten years working for a Fortune 500 company, holds Masters degrees from Harvard University and Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Business, and served two combat tours during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Indianapolis Republican mayoral candidate Chuck Brewer addressed the crowd by applauding the leadership of Mayor Greg Ballard and rallying supporters to build upon the work of the last seven years. "I love Indianapolis and I'm proud to call it home," said Brewer. "We're a city on the move and it's important that we continue the progress. By working together for safe neighborhoods, more jobs, and great schools, we'll build an even stronger Indianapolis."

County Republicans also endorsed candidates with their sights set on regaining the majority on the Indianapolis City-County Council. Current Republican Minority Leader Michael McQuillen was endorsed to serve another term, as well as incumbent Councillors Janice McHenry, Marilyn Pfisterer, Jeff Miller, Benjamin Hunter, Jason Holliday, Robert Lutz, Jack Sandlin and Aaron Freeman.


  1. When corruption controls European politics, voters stay home or vote for Communists or Fascists. In Indianapolis, with its corrupt GOP, they may stay home or vote for Libertarians.

  2. I don't want to burst your bubble, but the Libertarian Party is in bed with the same people. They were long ago infiltrated and taken over.

  3. "Brown tweets that the certified count for today's slating convention shows that fewer than 50% of the 590 precinct commiteepersons bothered to show up today to participate in the charade."

    Also, many of those people (up to 200) were ward chairs and vice ward chairs so the number of PC reps that Amos' suggests were there is probably grossly inflated.

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM GMT-5

    How can they call the meeting to order in absence of a quorum?

  5. Anonymous2:10 PM GMT-5

    Lipstick on a pig is the perfect analogy. I never would have believed so many elected and appointed PC's would find their spines and I am grateful to those who did just that.

    Kyle Walker must be defeated and replaced... in fact the entire crony GOP system from puppet Walker to township chairs on down must be purged.

    Chuck Brewer is going to rue the day he allowed himself to be bought off with all the sweet talk the men of the GOP cooed into his ears and God knows what other promises of lucre and fame...

    Ballard is now left twisting and if the Feds bring charges the handlers will let him hang alone.

  6. Anonymous2:29 PM GMT-5

    Kyle is controlled by David Brooks

  7. Anonymous3:41 PM GMT-5

    Anon 2:29: No Truer Words, My Friend.

    And Walker is not the only pawn David Brooks has on the boards. Not by a long shot.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM GMT-5

    Is it true a certain political machine on the third floor at 47 S. Meridian is "several months behind in rent" at the Keystone Building? And wouldn't political party donors like to know just how much that third floor tenant pays Ersal Ozdemir in monthly rent?

  9. Anonymous7:35 PM GMT-5

    Has anyone out there thought about starting a new party? Seriously folks - if there are enough disgruntled Republicans out there, why not jump ship and start something new? From reading this article and many comments I gather the jumping ship part is already underway.

    I'd like to know how many disgruntled Democrats are out there too. Is their slating process much the same?

    At the end of the day the downtown mafia, insiders, elitists, whatever you like to call them - use the bases of both parties like pawns on a chess board. The goal is to always keep both sides occupied - as well as the 80-plus percent of the population really doesn't give a damn - while the insiders are pillaging the public treasury. Just keep everyone talking about abortion, gay rights, religion, free speech, healthcare, wars, immigration, income inequality, etc. At the end of the day nothing really gets done, except more tax money seems to disappear from our city, state and federal government. Want to know where we're heading? Greece.

  10. "Kyle Walker must be defeated and replaced... in fact the entire crony GOP system from puppet Walker to township chairs on down must be purged."

    Since Kyle appoints nearly all the PCs in some wards (Center Twp, most of Washington, Warren, and Wayne) a PC revolt is nearly impossible as it was when TJ was in charge - losing the prosecutor's office in a year when GOP did well statewide was (IMO) TJ's undoing leading to his resignation (or ouster depending upon who you believe). Paul Ogden refers to them as "Mummy Dummies" which is fitting. Most of these same appointees are a who's who of State and Local government, or work for those same firms who feed at the public trough.

    It's a closed feedback loop and it just gets louder and louder ....
