Friday, August 08, 2014

State's Department Of Homeland Security Pays For $28,000 Video Security System For Jewish Synagogue

Who said there was a constitutional separation of church and state? The Indiana Legislative Insight's Ed Feigbenbaum is reporting that the Indiana Department of Homeland Security awarded a more than $28,000 grant to an Indianapolis orthodox Jewish synagogue, B'Nai Torah, on the city's north side to install a closed circuit television system to "correct a vulnerability that had allowed an individual to enter the building undetected during the day or after hours." According to Feigenbaum, the grant is being used for the "installation of an alarm system connected to a central monitoring system facility," the "repair and replacement of entry door hardware"; and "staff training on how to identify and handle threats and respond to emergencies." I'm guessing you can attribute this misappropriation of public funds to Gov. Mike Pence's advisor, Tom Rose, who is a member of the B'Nai Torah congregation. The Indiana Constitution could not be more clear, if the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution misses the mark: "No money shall be drawn from the treasury for the benefit of any religious or theological institution." Of course, our Supreme Court essentially read that provision out of the state's constitution when it upheld public financing of religious schools through the state's school voucher program.

UPDATE: Please see the link to the document approving the grant money. This money comes from the federal Urban Areas Security Initiative Nonprofit Security Grant Program made available by the federal Department of Homeland Security. The purpose of the grant program is to provide "target hardening and other physical security enhancements to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack" and located within eligible urban areas. There was $13 million appropriated for this federal grant program in FY2014 for grants of up to $75,000 that are awarded through the approved state agency. Nonprofit groups must be 501(c)(3) organizations exempt from taxation in order to qualify for the grants. Indianapolis is the only designated urban area in Indiana. There are supposed to be substantiated prior terrorist threats against the applicant based on their ideology, beliefs or missions, or some symbolic value as a national or historic site. What a total waste of taxpayer dollars. This was nothing but a corrupt congressional appropriation made to funnel money to favored interests to pay for security costs that churches and other nonprofits could and should easily assume financial responsibility. I wouldn't be surprised if some institutions stage threats simply to qualify for the federal grant money.  


  1. What of the crime prevention grants, then???

  2. I call for the return of that money. Clear violation of the Indiana Constitutution. People do not want their tax monies misappropriated and misspent. The synagogue is perfectly capable of providing their own security system. Our homeland security money is better spent on more appropriate matters.

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM GMT-5

    What really frosts me is how the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation mounts a banner, from time to time, reading "We Stand with Israel." To what country are all American citizens supposed to be loyal?

    There is no separation of church and state when it comes to so-called Judaism, because it's really not a religion. It's a power cartel and social network that runs the country.

    Who do you think owns the Federal Reserve, a private company incorporated in Delaware in 1913? The very survival of our fractional reserve monetary system is tied to Jewish control and demands.

    The Talmud can refer to Jesus as a "magician" who is boiling in Hell for all eternity in his own excrement, and the Evangelicals say nothing, because Evangelicals aren't really Christians. American Evangelicals are the creation and tools of the Zionists, who have been led so far away from Christ's teachings that they now read from the Old Testament in Christian services and consider it a pious duty to serve rabbinic Judaism and a made-up foreign country that took the name of a very minor and short-lived state from 3,000 years ago.

    The Wailing Wall is not the remains of a First Temple, because there never was a "First Temple." It's the Western Wall of Roman Fort Antonio.

    For 2,000 years, Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity dealt with the Jews in a way that supposed "Christian" America has not.

    America has a small and narrowing window to re-learn some lessons well known to our ancestors.


  4. Why should Homeland Security pop for this Security System??? They should pay for their own security system, or hire a guard paid for out their pockets. If there is a potential or actual incident call 911.

    Will other Institutions of Religion now demand the same???

  5. Ask your idiot congressmen who funded this wasteful grant program.

  6. Simons...911...

  7. Anonymous4:01 AM GMT-5

    If the money came from USAI, then the City of Indianapolis, and the City of Homeland Security had to approve this purchase, NOT the State of Indiana, with that said Frank Staub had his mitts all over the USAI money when he was reigning terror over the City of Indianapolis. There was other funding thru the Federal Homeland Security monies available for this project. That's probably where the funds came from.
