Monday, July 14, 2014

Hogsett Stepping Down As U.S. Attorney At End Of Month

U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder announcing his plans to resign at the end of this month from the job he has held since September, 2010. The politically ambitious Hogsett had been rumored as a possible candidate for Indianapolis mayor next year, but he seemed to rule out that possibility last year. There has been speculation of late that he has been rethinking that decision. Two Democratic candidates, State Rep. Ed DeLaney and Washington Township Trustee Frank Short, have expressed their intentions of running for mayor next year. A third potential candidate, former state Democratic Party chairman Dan Parker, announced last week that he wouldn't be running and voiced his support for a candidate with law enforcement credentials. Hogsett is the only named potential candidate that fits that bill right now. Incumbent Mayor Greg Ballard, who is expected to seek a third term, is viewed as vulnerable, particularly in a city that has been trending more Democratic over the past couple of decades. Hogsett's announcement also signals that the U.S. Attorney's Office has no immediate future plans for prosecuting the rampant public corruption taking place under its jurisdiction.


  1. I hear Hogsett can can swing a fast cricket bat. He has my $upport!

  2. The pieces appear to be falling in place for the Indiana Dems.If anyone has been paying attention there is talk of Bayh running again for Governor.Bayh has a substantial war chest and needs the largest city in Indiana. With Hogsett as his Mayor both Ballard and Pence may very well be sent out to pasture, particularly Ballard at this point.
    Things are getting interesting.

  3. Big news, but expected. Hogsett has to step down. The U.S. Government needs to clean up Indy, and Hogsett was merely a political figurehead. He was never the guy brought in the clean up the streets.

    Hogsett knew his days at the U.S. Attorneys office were numbered, and he can darn near sleepwalk into the Mayor's office.

    This might be the start of the Dems reclaiming Indy. It might portend really bad news for Barnes & Thornburg.

  4. The Democrats have ruined most every major city in the U. S. by their policies and politics.
    Remember that.

  5. I voted for Mayor Ballard twice, but I will vote instead for Hogsett if he runs because I believe he is less inclined to ally himself with the city insiders interested in power and money. I believe Hogsett is a good man and honest. That puts him way up over the other candidates. Sorry Mr. Ballard. But you lost me when you decided to support the build out of Lilly parking lots with our money, the expansion of these horrible tif zones, that parking meter deal, that parking garage in Broadripple, that debacle of a thing you call the regional operations center. I just need an honest man in the job. Someone who supports small business and property owners. And like my other property owner friends, we want someone who will divest of all that land bank property Indy has boarded up and vote against these terrible registration laws they’re talking about for local property owners. We need a man with a real plan, not some slick government plan to raise new revenues off the backs of retirees. Ballard has probably lost my vote, and that should really worry him, because guys like me are a bellweather, election after election.

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM GMT-5

    I too will not vote for Ballard again. As a veteran, he has lost all my respect. No ethics and the end of Country Club politics my ass. I would vote for Crazy Larry before casting another vote for Ballard. In my honest opinion, Ballard and some of his pay to play friends should be in prison!

  7. At least with Ballard you have a visual when you drive around the city of all the improvements that have been made. It's a much improved city.I have seen mayors come and go and whenever there is a Democrat the money disappears into someones pocket in government and the city decays. Bart left one big mess.
