Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Reaction To WRTV Report On Taxpayer-Funded Broad Ripple Parking Garage

WRTV's Kara Kenney had a follow-up story to her Call6 report last night exposing the fact that few motorists are choosing to park in the new parking garage Mayor Greg Ballard forced Indianapolis taxpayers to finance to the tune of $6.5 million for the benefit of one of his largest campaign contributors, Ersal Ozdemir. Kenney's earlier report found that only about 20% of the garage's spaces were utilized during peak business periods in the village. Kenney learns from the Broad Ripple Village Association that Ozdemir's company has failed to implement recommendations it suggested to coax more motorists to use the parking garage, such as implementing lower, fixed rate fees on weekends and utilizing parking attendants to steer traffic from the heavily-traveled College Avenue. Some have observed that Ozdemir's businesses, which rely heavily on government-directed tax dollars, don't appear to be operated like typical businesses that exist to earn a profit.

1 comment:

  1. It's only a matter of time until vandals discover an easy place to make their "mark".
