Sunday, September 22, 2013

Representing The Star Has Its Advantages

If you're the law firm that represents the Indianapolis Star, it apparently comes with the privilege of getting the newspaper to write glowing news stories and columns about your attorneys. After I recently posted a blog post about the firm's power broker, Bob Grand, celebrating over drinks with several Republican council members the ouster of Republican City-County Councilor Christine Scales from the Republican caucus, the Star's Russ Pulliam responded by penning a column titled, "The private, generous side of Bob Grand." Those who follow this blog regularly know that Grand has played a central role in the corrupting of state and local government the past decade. The Star never published a story on the highly unusual ouster of Scales from the caucus, only mentioning it in passing in an unrelated story about the council meeting that took place following the highly-divisive vote inside the Republican caucus. It certainly didn't mention that Grand celebrated Scales' ouster over drinks at a local bar with three male council members behind her ouster following the meeting.

Whether it's been the privatization of FSSA that cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars for the benefit of his client, ACS, for which he also engineered the corrupt parking meter lease deal in Indianapolis, the awarding of the corrupt exclusive real estate leasing agreement by the state to his client, John Bales, or the scheme he devised as Mayor Greg Ballard's CIB President to make it appear that the CIB was insolvent in order to gain passage of several tax increases and new subsidies by the state that have left the organization flush with cash (a surplus in excess of $70 million ) to hand out to his firm's billionaire sports team owner client, Herb Simon, Bob Grand has played a central role.

Today the Star has a story press release glorifying another Barnes & Thornburg attorney, Jason Barclay, who Grand placed as a high-level adviser in the administration of Mitch Daniels to aid the firm's clients. The story is titled, "Rising Star: Government experience helped Jason Barclay become a high-stakes litigator."

As a special counsel and policy director for Daniels, Barclay got to help the firm from the inside land the corrupt privatization deal that has made hundreds of millions of dollars for its client, ACS, and millions of dollars for his law firm defending the corrupt deal. Barclay got the task of defending with lead defense attorney Larry Mackey, the infamous Oklahoma City bombing prosecutor, John Bales in his public corruption trial in South Bend while working across the table from another former Barnes & Thornburg attorney who led the government's badly-failed prosecution of the case. Bales had the good fortune of not only having the law firm which had helped set up the corrupt exclusive state leasing agreement for him defending him, he had one of the senior advisers in Daniels' administration at the time the deal was hatched on his defense team. Several observers said the federal prosecutors could not have done a worse job in prosecuting Bales. The prosecutors didn't even call Paul Page, who pleaded guilty in the conspiracy at the heart of the prosecution, as a witness or the government whistle blowers who talked to the IBJ's Cory Schouten, the investigative reporter who blew the scandal wide open. Gee, I wonder why?

In the Star story, Barclay's boasts include working for David Gergen, a sleazy disinformation agent for the New World Order who worked for several former presidents to deal with scandals, including Nixon's Watergate, Ford's pardon of Nixon, Reagan and Bush's Iran-Contra and Bill Clinton's multiple scandals. Barclay says he was hired to work for Gergen directly out of college to help  him write his self-serving book, "Eyewitness to Power: The Essence of Leadership from Nixon to Clinton." He also boasts of working for former FBI Director Robert Mueller, who had just taken the reins of the FBI when 9/11 happened and Eric Holder in his earlier stint at the Justice Department, perhaps the most corrupt Attorney General in the history of the United States.

A story you will never read about in the Star, which is represented by Barnes & Thornburg, is the fact that Barclay's law firm employed as one of its top partners the man behind the infamous Huston Plan in the Nixon administration. The Huston Plan was authored by Tom Huston, a senior Nixon adviser and former CIA agent assigned to work at the White House by the Interagency Committee on Intelligence headed by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The Huston Plan advocated domestic burglaries, illegal electronic surveillance and U.S. mail tampering to target persons viewed as domestic enemies of the administration. Huston was a man ahead of his times, if you will. What was vilified by the media in Nixon's times is now deemed a necessity by today's useless government propagandists who now control the Operation Mockingbird media. You also won't read anything about the firm's initial, behind-the-scenes efforts at helping convicted Ponzi schemer Tim Durham when the acting U.S. Attorney inexplicably withdrew a civil forfeiture action the government had filed against his assets, forcing the defrauded investors of Fair Finance to seek the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee through an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding to attempt to recover their stolen assets.

Like Gergen, it always helps when you have reporters like Jill Phillips at the Star writing press releases for you under the cover of being a legitimate reporter. Since Barclay learned the corrupt Washington ways from Gergen, who I think epitomizes everything wrong with government in Washington today and the way our news media has become nothing more than a propaganda arm of the ruling elites, I'm sharing with you two contrasting videos. In the first, Vanderbilt trust fund baby and fake CNN News anchor Anderson Cooper as he gives a hand job to Gergen while he's supposed to be conducting a serious discussion. In the second, you see a real investigative reporter, Alex Jones, confront Gergen about his participation in annual events hosted by the exclusive Bohemian Grove, where the corrupt New World Order leaders gather to wander the forest buck naked, hire gay porn actors to serve as their personal valets and worship at the altar of a large, sculpted owl during bizarre sacrificial rituals. It pretty much summarizes the reality of American journalism today where you get nothing but propaganda from the mainstream media and must turn to alternative media to learn the truth about anything happening in this country.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget the Star's repeated refusal to look into the scandals at IURC, DWD, FSSA and the corrupt past of Dick Lugar and Mitch Daniels! Why most of the press continues to worship Lugar and Daniels is beyond me! And why Charlie White was crucified Daniels, Lugar, and Bayh are allowed to slide by having been guilty of far worse transgressions! Rise up hoosiers! Retake our state! Through out the corrupt establishment of both parties! Elect true servants such as: Paul Ogden, Gary Welsh, Matt Stone, Mark Small, Christine Scales, and Andy Horning! These are the men and women who will reclaim the hoosier state from the foul creatures that inhabit its halls of power!
