Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Words Of Wisdom From State's Star Witness In George Zimmerman Trial

Rachel Jeantel is a reminder of why ordinary Americans simply cannot relate to this subculture within the black community. CNN's Piers Morgan had the language-challenged Jeantel as a guest on his show last night. Sporting a new hairdo and new nails, the state's star witness in the George Zimmerman trial attempts to explain the one thing she regrets not explaining during her testimony: the word "nigga" is not a racist term. “But nigger,” Jeantel said, stressing the “-er.,” is a “racist word.” She said “I’d advise you not to be by black people” when you say that word, Jeantel explained, “because they’re not going to have it like that.” According to Jeantel, the term "nigga" was introduced to mean a "male" of any race around the year 2000. That doesn't jive with the Chris Rock explanation, but what do I know?

Jeantel tried to portray Zimmerman as a racist and a would-be rapist who had his eyes set on raping a boy, explaining Martin referring to Zimmerman as a "creepy-ass cracka," which she also insisted was not a racist term. So is that where the crack prosecution team came up with their last-minute idea of having the jury consider a third degree murder charge against Zimmerman based on child abuse.

Jeantel hit back at an anonymous juror who told CNN's Anderson Cooper that her testimony was deemed not credible by jurors. "It was racial. Let's be honest. It was racial," she told Morgan, referring to the case and the juror's verdict. "My thoughts of the jury, they old, that's old school people. We in a new school, our generation, my generation," Jeantel said. Jeantel defended Martin from suggestions that he was a thug who used drugs. "Weed didn't make him go crazy. It made him go hungry," Jeantel said. She added: "He was a calm, chill, loving person, loved his family, definitely his mother. And a good friend." Yep, that's why his mother kicked him out of the house.

The anonymous juror interviewed by Cooper said that she believed Zimmerman's heart was in the right place but he used bad judgment in getting out of his car the night he spotted Martin walking aimlessly and suspiciously on a rainy night in a neighborhood plagued by break-ins. She was convinced that Martin, however, threw the first punch and it was Zimmerman's voice heard on the 911 calls screaming for help. The juror said that the six jurors were initially divided, three believing he was innocent and at least two believing he was guilty of committing a crime. "There was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something and after hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law, and reading it over and over and over again, we decided there's just no way, other place to go," she said.

The juror didn't believe race played a role in Zimmerman's actions. "Anybody would think anybody walking down the road, stopping and turning and looking -- if that's exactly what happened -- is suspicious," she said. "I think all of us thought race did not play a role," the juror said . "We never had that discussion." [Note: That quote takes out of context what the juror actually described Martin doing--stopping and staring into people's windows.]

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