Monday, December 24, 2012

Obama References Himself 63 Times During Sen. Inouye's Funeral Service

The narcissist-in-chief lived up to his reputation during a funeral service at the National Cathedral on Friday in honor of the late Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI). Instead of talking about the accomplished life of Sen. Inouye, Hawaii's senior senator and decorated World War II hero, Obama worked in references to himself no fewer than 63 times. The American Thinker's Jack Cashill says Obama  used the word "my" 21 times, "me" 12 times, and "I" 30 times in the course of his "1600-word oration." Obama spoke about having "a white mom and a black father," as if we didn't already know that, and how he didn't learn what a U.S. Senator was until he was 11 when his family took a vacation to the Mainland during the summer of the Watergate hearings, which his mother made him watch every night and he was most "fascinated" to watch "this man of Japanese descent with one arm, speaking in this courtly baritone, full of dignity and grace." Yes, he did manage to work Sen. Inouye into the tribute. Cashill notes, however, that Obama's story didn't quite add up. It seems the family trip to the Mainland occurred in 1972, a year before the Watergate hearings aired.

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