Friday, November 02, 2012

Rasmussen Shows Closer Mourdock-Donnelly Race

A Rasmussen poll released today shows an entirely different picture of where the Indiana Senate race between Richard Mourdock and Joe Donnelly stands. Mourdock lost a narrow 5-point lead he had in Rasmussen's poll taken earlier this month when he stood at 47-42%, five-point advantage over Donnelly. In today's poll, Donnelly has picked up three percentage points, while Mourdock has slid backwards five percentage points to give Donnelly a three percentage point advantage, 45-42%. A Howey Politics-DePauw poll released today shows Donnelly with an 11-point, 47-36% lead over Mourdock. Rasmussen rates the race a toss-up, while the Indianapolis Star and the rest of the Indiana media has climbed on the bandwagon and declared the race over with Donnelly the winner.

Here are some things to keep in mind. The media in this state loved Richard Lugar more than any other politician in this state. I'm not sure why. He moved out of the state 36 years ago and only rarely stopped in for an occasional visit during an election year. Obviously, they never read the former Indianapolis Star reporter and Pulitzer prize winner Dick Cady's book, "Deadline: Indianapolis" where they would have learned that Lugar turned complete control of the City of Indianapolis over to organized crime during his eight years as mayor to protect dark secrets ala J. Edgar Hoover. The media has been out to destroy Richard Mourdock since his landslide victory over their New World Order adherent, particularly the evil Gannett-owned Indianapolis Star, whose corporate headquarters in suburban Virginia Lugar visited as often in recent years as his visits to the state he represents in the Senate.

The pollster for the Howey Politics-DePauw poll is Fred Yang, who works for David Axelrod. We all know how well that team worked four years ago to hypnotize enough Hoosier voters into supporting The One's candidacy, while suppressing the truth about his real biographical narrative from the people. [Listen to the fed's audio recording of Yang discussing the sale of Obama's Senate seat with Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff here.]Yeah, I know that Yang worked with Christine Matthews on his poll, but like Howey, she is a Lugar adherent who wants to see Mourdock destroyed for daring to challenge Lugar. They all want Mourdock to lose so they can declare the Tea Party the Republican Party's true foe rather than the Democratic Party. Would they skew their poll in this election deliberately? Anything is possible. Who would have thought the Obama Justice Department would use the force of the government to exact revenge on the Gallup organization this year because its polling looked too favorable for Romney, while giving former U.S. Senator Jon Corzine, an Obama bundler, a clean bill of health after bilking investors out of billions of dollars? I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of those missing billions are being used to help elect Obama and Donnelly. Don't think this same evil cast of characters don't control the decisions of other so-called professionals. The problem is that it is clear for all to see that the perception has been created that Mourdock is toast ahead of Tuesday's election. It may take an act of God to save Mourdock under the circumstances.

UPDATE: Mourdock's pollster, McLaughlin & Associates, notes an interesting anomaly in the Howey Politics/DePauw poll. Although Romney is leading Obama by 10 percentage points in their poll, Obama is astonishingly beating Romney among independent voters, 41-34%. That is the complete opposite result other reputable polls are showing where Romney consistently leads Obama among independent voters. Even more extreme, their poll shows Mourdock losing to Donnelly among independent voters by a 34-point margin, 51-17%. The Howey poll even shows Mourdock losing heavily-Republican congressional districts and his own 8th congressional district. McLaughlin's poll released today shows Mourdock leading by two percentage points, 46-44%, while it shows Romney leading Obama 54-41%. Also take note of the fact that none of the media in Indiana are mentioning the Rasmussen poll results, despite its national reputation and respect as a leading pollster in the country.

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