Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lugar Rumored For State Department And CIA Positions

The Washington rumor mill is speculating that Sen. Richard Lugar, who was defeated for re-election in this year's Republican primary, may be under consideration by the Obama administration to fill the CIA Director's position vacated by disgraced Gen. David Petraeus or Secretary of State after Hillary Clinton steps down from that position in January. The CIA Director's positions seems like a long shot with the Petraeus deputy, Michael Morrell, a veteran CIA official, already stepping into that role on an interim basis. Many had speculated that Sen. John Kerry would take Clinton's spot at the State Department, but speculation this week focused on him becoming Secretary of Defense in a second Obama term. Former Sen. Evan Bayh confirmed to reporters he is not interested in serving in the administration.


  1. What position is Tea Party candidate Richard Mourdock being considered for?

  2. Richard Lugar to head the State Department? Shoulda happened under Bush (either one). Could happen now.

    Richard Mourdock was knocked off the wall during the election and may he never be put back together again

  3. Does anyone else think that perhaps Richard Lugar is a bit elderly for such a stressful position?

    I'm sorry, but I don't want an 80 year old in that position.

  4. Lugar might be elderly, but he has been known to keep himself in great physical shape. I have no issue with him at either SoS or CIA. Would be better than most alternatives.

  5. Oh, yeah. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

    I'm not great fan of Mr. Mourdock but he'd better start sleeping with a pistol under his pillow if Mr. Lugar ends up running CIA.
