Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Democrats Boo God And Jews In Front Of National Television Audience

Well, that didn't go so well. Under fire for removing any references to "God" or Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in the Democratic Party's platform unlike past party platforms, the DNC decided such a move wasn't a good idea. Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland offered an amendment from the convention floor to restore both to the platform. It required a 2/3 vote of the delegates. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was chairing. He attempted to adopt the motion by voice voice, but the voices of those opposed to the amendment were just as loud as those in support of the amendment. After three votes and a prompting from the parliamentarian to simply rule it adopted and then "let them do what they're going to do", he finally ruled the amendment adopted. A loud chorus of boos could be heard in response to his ruling. Yes, about half the delegates to the Democratic convention don't like God or the Jews.


  1. That is a huge mistake on the part of the Democrats. It could cost Obama the election. States like North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa and several others are so close, this could be enough to beat Obama there. You also have a lot of Jewish voters in some of the close states, in particular Florida. Not good.

    I expect President Obama to come out and denounce what the "No" delegates did.

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM GMT-5

    And the other important document that doesn't mention your christian god? Oh, yes...The Constitution of the United States.

  3. and you know full well what the RNC delegates think of Sodomites ...

  4. Of course, DMC, the delegates at the constitutional convention quoted at length from scripture at the Constitutional Convention during debates. Prayer has been used to open the daily legislative bodies since the beginning of our nation's history until now. Our political history is filled with references to God, the Almighty and other divine references.

    Not saying we shouldn't be on guard from or politics being immeresed in religion, but to suggest that there is historical support for the Democrats God-less platform is a bit of a stretch to say the least.

  5. Perpetual war, that is what Obama wants, as does Romney, both sociopathic puppets. Jerusalem is not and should not be the capital of Israel, but Tel Aviv.

  6. corr: Tel Aviv should be considered its capital, I say.
