Thursday, February 23, 2012

Judicial Nominating Commission Narrows Supreme Court Choices To Three

The Judicial Nominating Commission has narrowed the Supreme Court vacancy search to three finalists it will now send to Gov. Mitch Daniels for consideration. Two men and one women have been recommended to the governor, including his former chief counsel, Mark Massa, Court of Appeals Judge Cale Bradford and Indianapolis attorney Jane Seigel, head of the Judicial Center. The best choice of that pick in my opinion is Seigel, and I'm not just saying that because of the need for diversity on our state's Supreme Court. I worked with Seigel on occasion when she worked as counsel for the Indiana Association of Cities & Towns and have nothing but the highest respect for her. She has a very diverse background and an impeccable understanding of the legal ins and outs of local government. Massa would obviously be the most political choice. Bradford was Daniels' first appointment to the Court of Appeals. He served many years as a trial court judge in Marion County and worked as a former federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney's office. The governor now has 60 days to make a decision. The Judicial Nominating Commission's next order of business will be to select the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to replace retiring Chief Justice Randall Shepard.

1 comment:

  1. Any of the 3 would be a good pick. I am disappointed that Judge Altice didn't make the final 3; he is a thoughtful & deliberative jurist.
