Monday, January 23, 2012

Gingrich Surges To Lead In Florida

So much for the best laid plans. Mitt Romney's campaign had counted on wrapping up the Republican presidential nomination by the Florida primary. Despite polls within the last week showing him with a double-digit lead there, a new poll released by Insider Advantage today shows Gingrich surging ahead of Romney in Florida with an 8-point, 34% to 26% lead. Ron Paul and Rick Santorum trail way behind with 13% and 11%, respectively. The sudden collapse of Romney's popular support among Republican voters is going to create a lot of consternation for top Republican officials. National tracking polls are similarly showing a collapse in support for Romney as support for Gingrich grows.


  1. Rasmussen just released a poll confirming the surge. Says Gingrich is leading by 9 points, a 31 point swing from a poll they conducted 11 days ago.

  2. Over 180,000 absentee ballots were mailed in Florida prior to the Gingrich surge and debates.

  3. That had to have been a factor in South Carolina as well with regards to the early votes cast, but it wasn't enough to offset the Gingrich surge over those last five days.

  4. In his farewell address, President George Washington warned us about low-cunning knaves who have a passionate attachment to foreign countries. Thus, most certainly, he would not support Newt Gingrich.
