Thursday, November 03, 2011

Ed Coleman Prefers Men's Warehouse

The campaign of City-County Councilor Ed Coleman (L) spent $880.39 purchasing suits at Men's Warehouse in late August according to the campaign finance report his committee filed with the Marion Co. Board of Elections. Presumably, the suits were to be worn by the candidate. The filing doesn't specify. Coleman, who was elected as an at-large candidate four years ago as a Republican switched parties to become a Libertarian. He is running in District 24 against City-County Councilor Jack Sandlin, who was elected by Republican precinct committeepersons to fill the vacancy created when Mike Speedy was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives. Sandlin is the former Perry Township Trustee and retired Indianapolis Police Department officer.


  1. Check out Mayor Paul's. I bet he's spent $10k there since '07.

  2. Yeah, it looks like Ricketts has been spending a lot of money at MW on something. If you're going to use campaign funds to pay for your personal expenses, you better be reporting iy on your income tax returns. The feds love to use the old Al Capone tax evasion charges if they can't nail you with any other criminal charges.

  3. Ed was diagnosed with Diabetes and has canvassed the entire district. He's lost almost 50 pounds, causing Ed's suits to not fit.

    Some donors gave to the campaign for Ed to purchase new attire in order to look presentable. It's a pretty simple explanation if you had asked Ed about.

  4. It's still not an appropriate campaign expenditure, Chris. If he's that hard up for money, you could have taken up donations for him and helped him buy the suits. Campaign money is not suppose to be used for a candidate's personal living expenses. You should know that as a party leader.
