Friday, November 11, 2011

Democrats' Standard For Charlie White Would Mean Vote Fraud Charges For Police Chief

It looks like another case of vote fraud that threatens the integrity of our election system--if you accept the legal standard to which a special prosecutor and the Democrats are trying to hold Secretary of State Charlie White. From the Northwest Indiana Times' Bob Kasarda:

Burns Harbor Police Chief Jerry Price said he was not trying to mislead anyone when he cast a ballot Tuesday at Town Hall.
The Westchester 11 polling place is the correct destination for a voter from 1184 Salt Creek Road in Burns Harbor, where Price is registered to vote and where he receives his mail.
But it does not appear to be the correct site or even the correct community for the nearby parcel where Price actually lives. That parcel is located in Portage Precinct 6, and voters there are supposed to cast ballots at the Hampton Inn at 6353 U.S. 20, according to the county's online map.
Price said he leases and maintains three contiguous lots, including the one where he lives, 1184 Salt Creek Road and one in between. The lot where he lives and the center parcel do not have mailing addresses, so he said he uses the 1184 Salt Creek Road address for mail and for his voter registration.
"There's absolutely no wrongdoing on my part," he said.
Price, who registered at the Salt Creek Road address in October 2010 and cast his first ballot from there Tuesday, serves as the Republican precinct committeeman for Westchester 11.
Patrick Lyp, a Republican member of the county election board, said Thursday the group had not yet received a challenge involving Price and would need to do so before taking up the issue.
He said, however, when challenges are brought to the board he looks for a person's intent when considering these type of matters and this situation sounds like it involves an "extraordinarily odd and unique set of circumstances."
Lyp said Price would need only request an address from the city of Portage for the parcel on which he now lives.
Yep, slap the handcuffs on Police Chief Price, force him to resign his police job because his action constitutes a felony and put him on trial for committing felony vote fraud. That's exactly what is required if you believe the Charlie White standard should apply to Chief Price. He's the chief law enforcement officer in Burns Harbor and he should know better. Are Mary Beth Schneider, Matt Tully and Jim Shella listening? Sounds of crickets.


  1. This is not the same scenario. Charlie White didn't live on land that doesn't have a mailing address. Charlie White wasn't receiving his mail at his ex-wife's address, nor was he living there and nor did he have anything to do with the property. The controversy with White is that he was living outside not just his registered precinct but outside his district. In some ways, it's much like your reporting on Patrice Abdullah several years ago.

    Comparing this case and White is a stretch.

  2. You obviously aren't familiar with the facts of Charlie's case. He did indeed provide proof that he received mail at her address and had her address listed on his driver's license. He also had a place to sleep in the finished basement of the house, where his wife testified he slept part of the time. White had co-owned the home with his wife; it was only transferred into her name because of their divorce. The delay in closing on the purchase of the condominium where he and his second wife moved was, in part, due to the financial constraints many young divorcing couples experience. Yes, Abduallah voted at an abandoned, uninhabitable home for nearly four years and served on the council drawing full salary. Indeed, he committed vote fraud but there were no criminal charges.

    It's always about double standards for you Democrats. No credibility was ever given by you and your friends in the media to Bill Clinton's female accusers. Let a woman who just happens to reside in David Axelrod's building pop up with a spotty work history, bankruptcies and gold-digging tendencies to accuse Herman Cain of doing something untoward and she is automatically believed. I'm so sick of your double standards.

  3. Re President Clinton, one woman, a Democrat, who thought Bill was her friend, has publicly accused him of raping her and biting her face while doing so. Yet, there were no consequences for him. Such hypocrisy from his and her fellow Democrats, and the controlled media.

    Read more such accusations about him and his wife in TRANCEFORMATION OF AMERICA, by Cathy O'Brien, which is in its third printing. She and her husband, who rescued her from bondage, have attempted to sue all the criminals she tagged, but because of the Secrecy Act of 1948, have been denied their day in court. Untouched by the 'mainstream' media.

  4. Vox, that simply isn't true. There were four witnesses who said White was living at the ex-wife's house. Even the ex-wife's new husband backed that up. You're saying he "didn't live on the land" simply is not correct according to the witnesses.

    And actually he did receive some mail at his ex-wife's house. The evidence was that he received mail at both his ex-wife's house where he said he resided and the condo. The only evidence the Democrats had that he lived in the condo was completely circumstantial evidence. They had and still don't have a single witness saying he was living in the condo.

  5. Gary, I would add that Charlie White's fiance insisted they not live together before marriage. She lived in the condo. That's why he was not living at the condo...she had been burned before and didn't want to live with a man until they were married.

  6. David Baird did not live in the address he listed for years while he was on the Wayne Township Board and for 4 years as Wayne Township Trustee.
    The house he gave as his residence was EMPTY.
