Monday, June 13, 2011

Mourdock Campaign Manager Not Helping His Candidate

The Redstate blog, which has generally been supportive of Richard Mourdock's bid to unseat Sen. Richard Lugar in the 2012 Republican primary, takes a critical view of Mourdock campaign manager Jim Holden's assault on rebelpundit, who was questioning Mourdock about the reason for distancing his campaign from the Tea Party. As you can see from the video, Mourdock handles the questioning just fine until Holden comes along and grabs the blogger's camera and accuses him of being just "another tracker." According to rebelpundit, Mourdock apologized for Holden's actions on the Dana Show, which airs locally in Indianapolis on WIBC-FM. He also received an apology from Holden. Both Mourdock and Holden claim "this was a case of mistaken identity." "That it happened here demonstrates a lack of training that is in some ways more worrisome than the assault itself," Redstate opines. Holden is also Mourdock's Chief Deputy and General Counsel. Mourdock may want to reconsider whether a high-ranking member of his staff should be taking such a visible role in his Senate campaign--lest people raise ethical questions.


  1. Hey Gary, did you catch this story?

    There was a big to-do about Mourdock getting central committee support, but those members were largely defeated. His campaign's trajectory is going in a different direction than he'd prefer.

  2. Yeah, I saw that. Not sure why it matters whether the central committee supports him. His challenge to Lugar was never going to be won or lost based on support from the establishment. A grassroots campaign is what will make his campaign successful.

  3. If it doesn't matter, why'd you write about it last month?


  4. Because it was counter-intuitive that a majority of the state committee would be backing him given the extent of the control Daniels has over the state party apparatus.
