Saturday, March 19, 2011

More On The Killing Field At Indianapolis Animal Care & Control

As I've previously reported, the only thing Indianapolis' Animal Care & Control appears to be efficient at doing is putting to death the thousands of pets they take into their custody each year. If you think the agency only puts down animals as a last resort, wait till you read Hannah Saunders' story about how the agency euthanized a loving dog she rescued and cared for before turning over to their custody. She never gave up hope on finding a new home for the dog and when she found one a few months later, she learned the agency had been lying to her all along and had put the dog down because they viewed the dog she found to be a very loving pet too dangerous to be adopted--he bit at his leash. WRTV reports:

Hannah Saunders found the stray puppy outside of her door just before Christmas, 6News' Tanya Spencer reported.

"He was a baby, he was a snuggler, and I fell in love with him. I'm just heartbroken," Saunders said . . .
Because Saunders' downtown apartment complex has a strict "no dog" policy, she spent weeks trying to find the stray a new owner.

"I tried desperately to find him a home. I put up fliers everywhere and I called every shelter in the area trying to get him a home, but they were all full because it was the holidays," Saunders said. "I had to take him to animal control because I just ran out of options."

Saunders said she knew Animal Care & Control is not a "no kill" shelter. However, she said she told workers she would adopt the dog if he was going to be euthanized.

She never stopped searching for a new home for the 8-month-old puppy she called "Roger" and continued to call Indianapolis Animal Care & Control to check on him.

"They told us that he got put into a private home and in three months he'd be put up for adoption. We'd been waiting for three months, we found him a home in Illinois that was waiting for him and we've been waiting to hear back from them. Last week they told us they'd have the people who had him e-mail us and tell us how he's doing," Saunders said.

When she went to pick Roger up to take him to that new home in Illinois, she was outraged.

"Then they told me they euthanized the dog I brought in months ago," Saunders said.

Hannah said workers told her Roger failed the temperament test because the puppy bit at his leash. They deemed him "aggressive" and not suitable for adoption.

Hannah said Roger slept in her bed with her for weeks and never showed any signs of aggression.
If the agency lied to Saunders for months about euthanizing Roger, what else are they lying about?


  1. Outrageous! Of course a puppy bites at a leash if the puppy has not had much experience with a leash. Idiots!

  2. No public agency should lie to people, but they all do. This one worse than others.

    I don't know the girl's circumstances, but what on earth is she doing getting a dog when she lives in an apartment? Why move to an apartment that doesn't allow dogs if you have one.

    The responsibility for pets lies with the pet owner. She is the one ultimately responsible.

    I know of a family who is about to put out of their house due to foreclosure. What does the parent do? She buys a puppy, just 3 weeks before they are to be put out of their home.

    What will that puppy's fate be if they aren't allowed to have it in their next home.

  3. Melyssa, Read before you write. Saunders found the stray puppy outside her apartment. She took him in and put up fliers looking for his owner after she took him to the vet and learned he had no chip. She eventually turned him over to ACC with the understanding he would be placed temporarily until a new family could be found. She found a family for the dog and then learned ACC had already euthanized him.

  4. Oh, I see! Thanks Gary for clarifying.

  5. AI,

    And when questioned about the incident what did the spokeperson for Animal Control do? She ignored the fact that the staff lied to this young lady and merely talking about AC's policy. That's not responsible government.

    Gary, thanks for publiciing this incident. We all know that dog was plenty adoptable and that a puppy biting isn't abnormal in any way.
