Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hope For Rahm

The Illinois Supreme Court has come to his rescue and granted a stay allowing Rahm Emanuel's name to appear on the Chicago mayoral ballot for now while the appeal of his residency dispute plays out with the state's high court.


  1. There's nothing like having friends in high places.

  2. The Chicago mayoral race?

    Indy doesn't have a dog in that fight!

  3. Ernie called it right! Money talks...

    For the Illinois Supremes to declare Rahm as having resided in Chicago for the past year is the same as the Democrats declaring that Slick Willie is NOT GUILTY of the articles of impeachment....(which resulted in his being disbarred from the practice of law.)

    -I quote Ernie: There's nothing like having friends in high places."

    -Sounds to me like The Democrat Machine lives on....

  4. Big SURPRISE! The scary part is all the politicians from Illinois that latched on to Obama, that are in Washington and running the government. Could you see Mitch Roob in Washington as Daniels right hand man. Now that's scary!
