Monday, January 24, 2011

Cashill Continues To Cast Doubts On Obama's Narrative

Anyone who bothers to dig the slightest into the carefully-crafted narrative Barack Obama and his media guru, David Axelrod, concocted to sell his brand to the American people discover it is chalked full of lies and inconsistencies. Unfortunately, the media today is more concerned about protecting the invented narrative than reporting facts when it comes to Obama. Jack Cashill, an independent writer, does the leg-lifting the American media simply refuses to do when it comes to Obama. The lazy, Obama-loving media takes the easy way out and declares anyone who challenges the Obama narrative as a "crazy birther." Cashill looks at the facts, including Obama's own past statements, which completely unravel the narrative.

Obama has often-repeated the claim that his reputed father, Barack Obama, Sr., abandoned him and his mother when he was only two years old. "My father left my family when I was two years old, and I was raised by a single mother," quotes from Obama's speech to American school children in 2009. "In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama made the same claim," Cashill notes. "He had left Hawaii back in 1963," [Obama] wrote of Obama Sr., "when I was only two years old." What Obama fails to mention, as Cashill points out, is that Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, moved with her new-born son to Seattle, Washington where she enrolled in college at the University of Washington on August 19, 1961, a little more than two weeks after Obama's birth on August 2, 1961. His father remained in Hawaii where he was enrolled in college at the University of Hawaii.

Obama later spoke with disdain in his book upon reading an old article from the Honolulu Advertiser in which his father discussed his planned move to Harvard. "No mention is made of my mother or me, and I'm left to wonder whether the omission was intentional on my father's part, in anticipation of his long departure," Obama wrote. "What Obama does not mention is that the article was dated June 22, 1962," Cashill adds. Obama and his mother were still living in Seattle at the time. "He was not yet a year old at the time Obama Sr. left Hawaii for good," Cashill observes. "More to the point, Obama fails to mention that he and his mother, Ann Dunham, were living in Seattle at the time and had been since at least August 19, 1961, the day she enrolled at the University of Washington."

Cashill's research of Obama's family history suggests Obama's mother and father never lived together as husband and wife. Obama even acknowledged as much in his book in one passage where he relates the murkiness surrounding the marriage between his parents. They were supposedly married in Maui, not on Oahu where his parents lived at the time of their marriage, and there is no record of their marriage or knowledge of anyone who witnessed their marriage. Obama himself writes in Dreams, "In fact, how and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I've never quite had the courage to explore." "No one attended the wedding -- not Abercrombie, not Ann's parents," Cashill writes. "In fact, no one in Barack Sr.'s clique seemed to know there was a relationship, let alone a wedding."

Gov. Neil Abercrombie has claimed that he knew Obama's parents and their child and saw them all socially together in the early 1960s, but Cashill has totally discredited his claims. Abercrombie has suggested to the media Obama's parents became estranged after he left for Harvard, but it's hard to explain why they weren't estranged when Obama's mother left Hawaii with child in tow just days after his birth to attend college at the University of Washington while his father remained behind in Hawaii. "I don't know about Hawaii, but in Missouri, if you flee your husband with baby in tow two weeks after his birth, that qualifies as 'estrangement'", Cashill quips. Further discrediting Abercrombie, Cashill writes, "When Neil Abercrombie and Zane visited their friend in Nairobi in 1968, Barack Sr. shocked them by never once inquiring about his putative wife and 6-year-old son." And lest we forget Abercrombie's pledge as Hawaii's new governor to produce the definitive birth records on file with the state to disprove doubters, only to later tell us just to take his word for it--"it's written down--in the state archives."

Obama acknowledges in his book that his father had children by at least four different women, including two American women. "In Dreams, Obama's cryptic and contrarian Aunt Sarah would tell her presumed nephew, ' ... the children who claim to be Obama's are not Obama's,'" Cashill notes. "Obama must have wondered whether she was referring to him," he adds. On this point, Obama suggests his mother had a problem establishing his relationship with his father when he died, unlike the other American woman who claimed two children by him. "Curiously, when Obama found the article about Obama Sr.'s departure [from Hawaii], he found it 'folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms,'" Cashill writes. "Later in Dreams, in a passage heretofore overlooked, Obama unwittingly reveals that there may have been problems with that birth certificate," Cashill adds. "On the occasion of his father's death in 1982, lawyers contacted anyone who might have claim to the estate," Cashill writes. "Unlike my mum," Obama tells his half-sister Auma in Dreams, "Ruth has all the documents needed to prove who Mark's father was." Cashill reason, "Ruth obviously could produce a marriage license and a birth certificate for her son Mark."  "Ann Dunham apparently could not do the same for her son Barack, at least not one that could tie him to Obama Sr. -- not even with a potential payoff on the table." Did Obama himself not produce the smoking gun?

Obama makes clear in his book he had in his possession a birth certificate with his vaccination forms where he found the folded up article about his father leaving Hawaii for Harvard. The birth certificate the media has relied upon as proof of Obama's birth in Hawaii is a certificate of birth issued by the state of Hawaii in 2007, which is clearly not the same birth certificate Obama had at the time he wrote Dreams. "The long form birth certificate could pose a number of problems other than country of origin, including the date of Obama's birth, the state of his birth, and the identity of his father," Cashill explains. "Any one of these revelations could unravel the yarn that Obama has been spinning." Cashill concedes Obama was likely born in the United States despite his doubts about the family narrative. "Although the president was likely born in the United States, he may not have been born in Hawaii, he may not have been born in August 1961, he may not have been the son of Barack Sr., or he may have simply been listed as "white" on his birth certificate," he poses.

As Cashill observes, "The failure of the mainstream media to even address the inconsistencies in Obama's story is downright shameful." "That failure has created a windstorm of curiosity that is becoming increasingly difficult for the media to ignore." I simply do not understand why a media that was so concerned about whether Sarah Palin's daughter and not her gave birth to her child Trigg, whether George W. Bush completed his service in the Texas Air National Guard, or whether his father made a secret trip to France to derail President Carter's efforts to free the American hostages in Iran prior to the 1980 election, has no interest in learning and discovering the Obama biography beyond what has been spun to them by the politician and his media guru. Why do Indonesian school records list his name as "Barry Soetoro", identify his father as Lolo Soetoro, not Barack Obama, Sr., and list his citizenship as Indonesian, not American? And why must anyone who asks to know the answers to those questions be deemed a "crazy birther" and a "racist." The lack of curiosity among the mainstream media is alarming to say the least.

UPDATE: Jerome Corsi is reporting at WND a former Honolulu elections official, Timothy Adams, has signed an affidavit stating elections officials there were well aware no long form birth certificate of Obama's birth in Hawaii exists, and there was no record he was born at the hospital at which various news reports claim he was born.


  1. What do we expect?

    The biggest story in Amercian history is not the election of a black president, but the election of a foreigner to the White House.

    If the media subdues that story, they will white wash anything.

  2. Trust, then verify.

    A crazy person is a person who believes a liar after being lied to time and time again.

    A rational person knows not to believe the lie.

    Therefore, the birthers aren't the "crazy" ones. They are the ones that understand logic.

    There is something being purposely covered up surrounding Obama's birth. I hope the American people learn what that is soon.

  3. The mainstream media is full of lies misinformation and lack of interest. They can not go any further than permitted by the the few controlling media oligarchs.

    There is no consistency to their efforts, leading to mass confusion among the public who think they understand what is going on, but instead are only following the narrative dictated by the oligarchs.

    And I hope Cashill wasn't trying to say that Bush received enormous scrutiny by the media, because that would be a lie. The real stories of Bush and Clinton, etc., never came close to being revealed to the general public.

  4. "I simply do not understand why a media that was so concerned about whether Sarah Palin's daughter and not her gave birth to her child Trigg, whether George W. Bush completed his service in the Texas Air National Guard, or whether his father made a secret trip to France to derail President Carter's efforts to free the American hostages in Iran prior to the 1980 election, has no interest in learning and discovering the Obama biography beyond what has been spun to them by the politician and his media guru...And why must anyone who asks to know the answers to those questions be deemed a "crazy birther" and a "racist." The lack of curiosity among the mainstream media is alarming to say the least."


    It's more than alarming, it's the selective dissemination of information you would expect of a totalitarianism. Your examples cited clearly do not excuse a lack of even-handed investigative journalism due to poor economics and evolving technology. Somehow, the Palin, Bush (and Daniels locally), investigations took place, didn't they? As(ideally), they should.

    The difference is that while this forum provides a (sometimes maddeningly) good hoeing of what's buried beneath for both sides, most major national media interpret world events with the balance of my childhood reminiscences of 'Pravda'.

    Thanks to Mr. Cashill for his efforts.

  5. Cashill concedes Obama was likely born in the United States despite his doubts about the family narrative.

    Isn't that the only statement that matters?

  6. "I simply do not understand why a media that was so concerned about whether Sarah Palin's daughter and not her gave birth to her child Trigg, whether George W. Bush completed his service in the Texas Air National Guard, or whether his father made a secret trip to France to derail President Carter's efforts to free the American hostages in Iran prior to the 1980 election, has no interest in..."

    -Sarah Palin, Trigg, etc, that was the tabloid press, and who cares, it's too bizarre.
    -GWB and Texas Air National Guard, I wanted to know even more about that.
    - BUT GHWB going to France to derail Carter's efforts? I never heard about that at all -- please expound! If so, it spunds like treason if I understand what treason is. Maybe the MSM didn't do their job at all. (Depending on one's point of view)

  7. HITH:

    If the only issue in this post is whether our President is born in America, then you may have a point. I would contend a more important issue to America is the loss of balanced journalism from main-stream media- especially when some (such as NPR and NBC) are supported in-part by taxpayer dollars.

    While a more even playing field would be subsidizing all mass media, I'd prefer letting them fend for themselves and reduce the spending. I imagine we'd see more balanced coverage then (witness the NPR exec resignation over Juan Williams when faced with reduced funding from the House of Representatives).

  8. I'm surprised Mr. Welsh. Normally when you have a post about anything involving the Obama citizenship controversy a whole bunch of people with handles we never see otherwise show up and taunt everyone. Hmmm.
