Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Word Of Caution To Blog Commenters

I understand people have very strong feelings about what is happening within IMPD currently and want to express their views in support of or against Public Safety Director Frank Straub, IMPD Chief Paul Ciesielski and Mayor Greg Ballard. Some people have made openly critical anonymous comments about the aforementioned persons on the Indiana Barrister blog run by controversial radio talk show host Abdul Hakim Shabazz, a member of Straub's advisory board for public safety. Anonymous blog commenters to that blog should be cautioned that Shabazz is more than willing to out them to their superiors as being responsible for posting comments critical of the administration regardless of whether he actually knows the true identity of the person posting the comment. He has a history of doing this. His blog, like this one, enables him to perform some basic tracking of comments posted on his website, and he may draw false conclusions about the identity of a commenter that could have serious consequences to their employment with the city. Make no mistake about it. Shabazz is an operative bought and paid for by the Ballard administration and his re-election campaign. Post on his blog at your own risk. 


  1. Gary for Mayor?

    Who's with me?

  2. Abdul does closely track the IP addresses of everyone who comments on his blog. He's very savvy when it comes to tracking people on computers and he does so as a matter of routine.

    Gary, you were good to warn IMPD staff.

  3. HFFT,

    "Savvy" is being kind I respect the privacy of people who post anonymously on my blog - unless they're posting defamatory stuff or are threatening. I don't feel compelled to try to track people down to use their comments against them.. That's me though. Abdul operates with a different set of ethics.

  4. It's hilarious watching Abdul try to bail out his client, Ballard, from all of this mess. He's actually trying to convince people there is a conspiracy between Lacy Johnson, the black ministers and Melina Kennedy to turn blacks against Ballard. News flash, Abdul, 90% of blacks voted for Peterson and the same thing is going to happen in 2011. The idiocy of some Republicans to think you can hire Olgen Williams as a deputy mayor and throw money at a small group of black ministers and you will bring black voters over to your side. Abdul might want to ask his best friend, Tom John, what's really going on. After all, Lacy Johnson is his boss at Ice Miller.

  5. If our choices are down to Greg Ballard or Melina Kennedy- I'm with you.

  6. Our choices won't be just Ballard or Melina Kennedy. I feel quite certain the Libertarians (who have ballot access) will run a qualified candidate.

    At this point, if the Libertarian can breathe and walk on his/her own I would vote for them over Ballard or Kennedy.
