Friday, July 09, 2010

Borror: I Did It For My Family

State Rep. Randy Borror (R-Ft. Wayne) says he resigned his seat just two months after he was re-nominated for the seat he has held for a decade and became a lobbyist in order to devote more time to his family. "I made the decision after 10 years of service to the state of Indiana that it was time for me to concentrate on my family," he told the Star's Mary Beth Schneider. "If that's not good enough, if my service to the state hasn't been enough, then I suppose that people have their own opinion about that. I'm dedicating my next few years to my family."

It's funny how Borror wasn't quite so concerned about spending more time with his family last month when he unsuccessfully sought the GOP nomination to replace U.S. Rep. Mark Souder on the November ballot after Souder abruptly resigned amid disclosures of an extramarital affair with a staff member. That job would have required him to be separated much more from his family than being a part-time state legislator. I doubt that he will be the last legislator to cash in on his legislative service before Indiana's new revolving door law takes place in 2012 barring legislators from lobbying for at least one year after leaving the legislature. The Star has an editorial critical of Borror's decision. It is spot on in its criticism of the new law's delayed effective date. "But the two-year phase-in of the cooling-off requirement was a compromise that serves legislators' best interests, not the public's," the editorial opines.


  1. Why do politicians call their government employment "service?" It's so disingenuous.

    Picking up litter as you walk around your neighborhood is service. Enriching and empowering yourself by taking a government job is not.

  2. Cato, google the subject 'animal husbandry' and you likely will find the word 'service' in there.

  3. The Star should be outraged about Borror's duplicity, as should all those who ever voted for him.

  4. Gee, Did the State of Indiana Administrators who have gladly handed out self written contracts start to set themselves up for golden parachute jobs when My man Mitch is done?

    One would wonder, wouldn't they. Mr. Borror was a very arrogant "public servant" and when he did not get his next self enrichment spot he quit!

    The republican Good Ole Boy network let him down....

    So sad.

  5. Whether Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian, I'm voting for candidates in November that want to spend less money we don't have - for my family.
