Monday, April 12, 2010

Who Is Peddling Influence To City Councilors?

The Indianapolis City-County Council finally posted on its website the financial disclosure statements city-county councilors filed last July. The financial disclosures give us a clear indication of what businesses and interest groups are seeking to influence the council the most. It also tells us which councilors are on a government payroll or are doing business with the government. The disclosures revealed that at least 10 of the 29 councilors work for a governmental entity. Those include the following:

Brown: Indianapolis Fire Department

Day: State of Indiana

Lewis: Indiana Criminal Justice Institute

Mahern, B.: State of Indiana

Mahern, D.: City of Indianapolis

Malone: State of Indiana

Minton-McNeill: Indianapolis Public Schools

Moriarity-Adams: Marion County Assessor

Nytes: Mapleton-Fall Creek CDC

Plowman: IMPD

Councilors are required to dislose the source of any gift of $100 or more or aggregate gifts during the year of $250 or more. Note that most councilors did not disclose the value of the gifts. The only thing we can conclude from their filings is that the gift was for more than $100 or there were combined gifts during the year of $250 or more. Most of the gifts involved sporting event tickets or dinners. Here's a look at some of the gift givers and who they were gifting:

Indianapolis Motor Speedway: Caine, Cardwell, Coleman, Day, Hunter, Lewis, Lutz, Mahern, B., Mahern D., McHenry, McQuillen, Moriarty-Adams, Nytes, Pfisterer and Speedy.

Pacers: Cardwell, Cochrum, Day, Hunter, McHenry, McQuillen and Vaughn.

Colts: Cochrum, Hunter, Lutz, McQuillen and Nytes.

IPL: Caine, Cardwell, Coleman, Hunter, Lutz, Scales and Vaughn.

Indianapolis Airport Authority: Cardwell, Cochrum, Day, Hunter and Sanders.

Hunt Construction: Bateman, Lewis, Mahern, B. and Mahern, Dane.

Capital Improvement Board: Cochrum and McHenry

Citizens Energy: Hunter, Lutz and Moriarity-Adams.

AT&T: Cain, McHenry and Moriarity-Adams.

ICVA: Cardwell & Vaughn

Short Strategies: Lutz and Vaughn

United Consulting: Hunter

United Water: McHenry, Moriarity-Adams and Pfisterer.

Mayor Greg Ballard: McHenry, Scales and Vaughn.

Keystone Construction: McQuillen

Milestone Construction: Hunter

R.W. Armstrong: Cochrum

Oppenheimer: Cochrum

Mays Chemical: Lewis

French Lick Resort: Cochrum

A number of councilors also have an interest in businesses that solicit or do business with the City of Indianapolis. Those include:

Cardwell: Cardwell Do It Best Home Center

Lutz: Legal services for the City of Indianapolis

Nytes: Printing Partners, Inc.

Oliver: Oliver Janitorial Services

Smith: RBS Consulting (contract with the Department of Workforce Development)

Vaughn: Barnes & Thornburg legal services for City of Indianapolis


  1. Can you please provide a link? I can't locate this on the Council website and I'm intrigued with the information you have provided.

  2. All of this proves is that our city councilors have jobs.

  3. Lewis is NOT an employee of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute; she is a contractor, serving as a local community consultant.

  4. That's a distinction without a difference in this context, BloggerBill. The fact is she earns a living being paid by the agency. Whether it's as an employee or independent contractor is irrelevant.
