Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Greg Oden Bares All?

It seems to be a popular trend among Hollywood and sports celebrities to take nude photos of themselves and upload them to the Internet. Cell phone pictures of former Indianapolis basketball great Greg Oden and current NBA player for the Portland Trailblazers, which he allegedly took of himself, found their way on to the Internet (NSFW) recently and have been published by the celebrity gossip site, OMG Blog. Commenting on the photos it claims are of Ogden, the blog writes:

Portland Trailblazer Greg Ogden (sic) may not be the handsomest player in the NBA, but he does have a giant (blank)! Of course he thought it would be a great idea to send naked cell-phone pics of himself to some totally reputable-seeming lady. Obviously they're here now. See them after the jump-- NSFW!
The Big Lead says, maybe not.

UPDATE: Greg Oden has now admitted the nude photos are of him. In a public apology, Oden says the photos were sent to a girlfriend about 1 1/2 years ago.


  1. Well I guess that tends to indicate he's not another illegal steroid user.

  2. Then again, maybe Greg Oden wants to be U. S. Senator some day. Worked for Scott Brown.
