Thursday, May 14, 2009

Disappearing Blogs?

Envision Indy appears to have turned off its lights. The blog of Indiana Democratic Party spokesperson Jen Wagner offered a fare of snarky observations about the administration of Mayor Greg Ballard. Another blog, First Republicans, disappeared shortly after its founder and editor, Chris Douglas, announced his candidacy to fill the vacancy of Sen. Teresa Lubbers. First Republicans promoted more a moderate, tolerant position on hot button social issues.


  1. Jen's bulbs have always been a little's about time they burned out.

  2. Everyone will just have to check out

    for all of their ballard related snark

  3. I like Indianapolis Times. However, regardless of whether or not the Republican mayor was honoring his promises, they would still attack.

    Has the Indianapolis Times been critical of any democrat yet?

  4. Terry Burns is a typical liberal. Anyone who believes him is nuts.

  5. HFFT,

    Unforuntately the Ballard administration has been making the Indianapolis Times right. But no, IT never attacks a Democrat, ever. But with my blog, Gary's, yours and others, we don't play favorites when it comes to criticism.

  6. I am glad to see that Indyernie is his usual gracious pleasant self.
