Thursday, December 11, 2008

Daniels Freezes State Salaries; Leaders Take Pay Cut

Evidencing Indiana's changing fiscal climate in the wake of the sharp economic downturn, Gov. Mitch Daniels and the four legislative leaders agreed to a freeze in state worker salaries, effective immediately and extending through June 30, 2010. The freeze will also apply to state lawmaker and legislative employee salaries, as well as state judges. A pay raise scheduled for lawmakers on July 1, 2009 will not take effect. Also, the governor and the four legislative leaders have agreed to defer 13% of their pay.


  1. Is the legislature reducing their per diem? That is where they make the most money. The media cooperates with them in hiding that fact. Are they reducing the mileage reimbursement that was set when as was more than $4 a gallon?

  2. But I bet the legislative pensions keep cranking on in years of service, don't they? Always selling out the future for a cosmetic current gain.

  3. Anonymous8:01 AM GMT-5

    How nice that the leadership takes a breather from unconstitutionally trying to appoint political cronies as "chaplains" at the food stamp office making $60,000 a year, and think about the peasants eating cake.

    I'm sure you'll agree.

  4. None of this can be true....Mitch Daniels told us throughout he campaign what wonderful fiscal shape he had provided the state. I believe he referred to Indiana as an "island of prosperity" in the can't have turned that bad since November 4.

  5. Anonymous1:11 PM GMT-5

    artfuggins: It was an island of prosperity until the vote was certified, now it's monsoon season, that's how good old Ditch Mitch operates. :P
