Sunday, November 02, 2008

Obama Plan To Bankrupt Coal Industry

Indiana is a leading coal producing state, but if Sen. Barack Obama has his way, he will bankrupt the industry just like Sen. Joe Biden suggested in a rope line during a campaign stop in Ohio a few weeks back. It seems that Sen. Obama is more candid when he's in San Francisco than anywhere else in the country. During an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle last January, Obama said: "So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted." That little snippet from the taped interview was excised from the print version which ran in the Chronicle the following day.

Isn't it ironic that Sen. Evan Bayh would take all kinds of money from the coal industry, win the endorsement of the United Mine Workers and then turn around and vouch for a candidate for president all over this state who plans to put thousands of Hoosiers out of work because they work for the coal industry, which Obama is convinced is to blame for global warming. Thanks for nothing, Sen. Bayh. May the good people of Indiana not forget your role in foisting this corrupt Chicago politician on us.


  1. I'd love to know what the miners' union has to say about the subject.


  3. Anonymous2:05 AM GMT-5

    No problem, ObaMAMAMAMAMA will provide clean, new jobs for all after he throws a few thousand dirty miners under the bus.

  4. Anonymous5:24 AM GMT-5

    Obama can't bankrupt the coal industry. Obama won't be able to tell India and China not to use coal for electricity. The coal industry will suffer, but it will still be in business, shipping container loads full of coal to other countries. So while India and China step into the industrial world, the US will take a step back into the pre-industrial world under Obama. Wonder how long before the people get sick of the rolling, constant blackouts?

  5. Mike, Visit the United Mine Workers website. It's filled with anti-McCain tirades and misrepresentations about his support for clean coal technology. Any union member with any common sense would be shaking their heads at their leadership's lack of objective guidance on the candidates.

  6. The Obama campaign line on this according to FOX News is that Obama's position is exactly the same as McCain's. If that is true, then where did all the stuff on the United Mine Workers website come from trashing McCain's position on clean coal?

  7. Anonymous9:21 AM GMT-5

    This has leaked all over. Coal stocks are down in pre-market trading. If Obama wins, expect a huge down day tomorrow.

  8. Anonymous1:19 PM GMT-5

    Its about time somebody steps up to the plate and starts arguing against using non-renewable natural resources as an alleged means to eliminate our dependency on foreign oil. Wind, solar and wave generators will be the answer, and perhaps the coal workers will be able to get jobs making and installing these new wave of cleaner renewable energy.
