Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Star Picks Zoeller For Attorney General

In what must be viewed as a major blow to the campaign of Democrat Linda Pence, the Indianapolis Star has endorsed her Republican opponent, Greg Zoeller, in the race for Indiana attorney general. The editorial compliments Zoeller as a "strong" but "low-key" top assistant to Attorney General Steve Carter for the past 8 years. The editorial says Zoeller's "appeal derives from the fact that the attorney general's office in Indiana has consistently placed professionalism over politics, a quality often missing in other states."

The editorial notes that Pence has big plans to take the office in an entirely different direction than it's been in the past, but she fell short on details when the paper's editors asked her for specifics. "Those are noble goals; however, Pence, in an interview with The Star's Editorial Board, could not explain in detail how she would free up resources in the office to take on additional areas of responsibility," the editorial reads.


  1. Gary,

    Please post a thread about why people should flip their ballots and vote YES on question 1!

  2. Pence is running a great campaign ... for prosecutor, just not attorney general. Did she pull a Darrell Castle (fill out the wrong paperwork and run for the wrong office)?

  3. Douglass,

    While I think it can be said that Pence might want to push the AG's powers too far, right now the AG is not using all the statutory powers he has. I'm a Republican who want our next AG to be more aggressive in doing his job than Carter has been. I'm hoping Zoeller gets that message but thus far he's just running on maintaining the status quo. That is disappointing.
