Sunday, May 18, 2008

Will Obama Have To Throw His Wife Under The Bus Next?

A former CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert, Larry Johnson, writes on his blog, No Quarter, about the existence of a video showing Sen. Barack Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, on a racist rant against "whitey". Opposition research efforts, according to Johnson's sources, discovered the video clip from archived recordings of the church of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ, where Obama and his wife are members. Johnson writes:

I now have it from two three four sources (three who are close to senior Republicans) that there is video dynamite–Michelle Obama railing against “whitey” at Jeremiah Wright’s church. Republicans may have a lousy record when it comes to the economy and the management of the war in Iraq, but they are hell on wheels when it comes to opposition research. Someone took the chance and started reviewing the recordings from services at Jeremiah Wright’s United Church of Christ. Holy smoke!! I am told there is a clip that is being held for the fall to drop at the appropriate time. The last thing Barack and Michelle need is a new clip that raises further questions about her judgment and temperament . . .

When the ugly video tapes about Jeremiah Wright’s racist ravings first broke Barack Obama told us he could no more disown Jeremiah Wright than his own Grandmother. Well, we all know how that turned out. So will Barack stand by Michelle when the tape emerges of her verbally attacking “whitey?” Republicans, who are otherwise gloomy about prospects in November, recognize that this recording will create real problems for Barack and give them a shot at the White House. It is their October surprise.

Subsequent to posting this entry, Johnson learned of a billionaire's attempt to pay a $1 million bounty to the person holding the video tape to prevent it from surfacing during the campaign. Johnson says the tape is held by Karl Rove and associates, who are showing it to fat cat Republican contributors in an effort to loosen up money to fund independent 527 group expenditures. Don't forget the role the 527 group which produced the Swiftboat ads against John Kerry had in his 2004 defeat.


  1. I have no idea if this is true or not....but the republicans should be more worried about Cindy McCain. They could start by looking at her illegal contributions to McCain's campaign, her corporate jet, why she refuses to release her financial records and why John McCain referred to her in public as a C--t.

  2. What was wrong with him calling her a "chit"? She is thirty years younger than he is.
    You must be confused, if you are insinuating anything else where's the proof?

  3. It's funny that the reporter who claims to have heard that conversation said it happened 8 years ago when McCain was running against Bush. He never said a word about it at the time. Could it be that he knew the conversation was nothing more than banter between husband and wife? If he felt the way he now claims to feel about the conversation, why didn't he report it then?

  4. I dont know many husbands that call their wives a C--t in light banter in front of others.......McCain does not deny it. He just prefers not to discuss it.

  5. Wow, Art, a wife making illegal contributions to her husband's campaign? You have to be kidding, right. Ever hear of something called household income? A candidate can spend an unlimited amount of it on his own campaign. It's both their money under the law.

  6. If this tape exists, it will be devestating for the Obama campaign. But since we have no proof, I'm more interested in the fact that McCain's top advisors are trying to influence allegedly "independent expenditures." Also, until I see the tape, I'm going to assume this is an effort to use innuendo to give Hillary Clinton more traction just when she was about to bow out.

  7. "McCain does not deny it. He just prefers not to discuss it."

    And you discussed this with McCain when...?

  8. I agree with art...if my spouse called me a c--t I wouldn't consider it lighthearted banter. It's disrespectful, and it says a lot about him as a person. If she went along with it, it says a lot about her too. We don't need a weak Stepford wife in the whitehouse that allows her husband to disrespect her.

  9. Obama's wife is said to refer to her husband as "Stinky." What are we to infer from that?

    Larry Johnson has been a paid consultant to major network news outlets. I can't imagine he would blow his reputation on a baseless rumor. He clearly feels comfortable with his sources on this one.

  10. Flynn, The McCains have filed separate tax returns since they were married........they have a prenuptial agreement and it is not her personal money, it is her corporate money which is illegal. Strangely, she had not donated 1 cent of money legally. IndyErnie, I didnt discuss this with McCain personally which is a silly distracting remark for you to make. I have a televison and I have the ability to read...You should try it.

  11. Want to talk about Obama in the back of a Limo? We could have a conversation about Hillary and her relationships with Vince Foster and Janet Reno. How about it or is that too close to home?
    Art you should use your own ears and not rely on someone else's who may have misheard.

  12. Art, filing separate tax returns only makes household income separate income only for income tax purposes. It doesn't otherwise make household income individual income. I would not want to go to court making your argument about wves making illegal contributions to their husbands. You'd get your head handed to you. They are considered as one entity.

  13. You are missing the point that she is using corporate income to support his candidacy. She has NOT donated one cent to this campaign fund. I would go to court over that any day. She might end up in court or in a prolonged battle with the Federal Election Commission.........she is illegally using corporate funds....and several groups are on the verge of filing complaints.

  14. I believe the tape exists showing Mrs Obama making racial remarks and referring to caucasion Americans as whitey. No need to argue with me on that remark, just wait and see as things unfold in the next couple of weeks. McCain has been handling issues with some restraint in my opinion because there will be a knock out punch in the late rounds of this match up which is what republicans (myself included)that we have been expecting. Are my remarks based on facts? Who knows, guess we have to wait and see. If I am right then you can respond to me and I will tell why I feel certain about the tape.
