Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Schellinger Concedes Defeat

Upon further reflection, Jim Schellinger decided it was in the best interest of the Democratic Party not to closely examine how Jill Long Thompson won enough votes in Lake County to erase his lead and take a 6000-plus vote lead. The question now turns to who will be Thompson's running mate. Fort Wayne Observed's Mitch Harper suggests former House Speaker John Gregg as a solid choice. Harper is a Republican who served with Gregg in the Indiana House.


  1. Isn't John Gregg having issues with an illness of some sort - I don't want to start any incorrect rumors so please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I thought he had some health issue post-Speaker while serving as President of Vincennes U and stepped down from that position and retired.

  2. John is a prostate cancer survivor. I'm pretty sure it was detected early and his prognosis is very good. I know many prostate cancer survivors, including my own father.

  3. Practically speaking, John has such a fabulous and larger than life personality that he would outshine Jill - is that something she or any governor wants. John would make her look like a wall flower - not intentionally - he couldn't help it. And frankly - we wouldn't want him to be any different.

  4. Now all we need is for Peterson to jump on Andre's band wagon. Bart's on a hot streak!

  5. Who do we make our checks out to for Lake County cooking those books? I thought Jim might have a chance- but that girl is dead meat. If in fact the result were legitimate (which I don't think anyone believes considering they came out of Lake County) What in the wide world were Democrats thinking?
