Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Keep An Eye On The 5th

There are some surprising results in the 5th District congressional race between U.S. Rep. Dan Burton and Dr. John McGoff. With a little over half the votes counted, Burton has a relatively small lead of 53%-44% over McGoff, or about 5,000 votes. Nobody anticipated that close of a race, particularly with so many Republican voters crossing over to vote in the Democratic presidential race. The heavy turnout in Marion County may be aiding McGoff where the Howey-Gauge Poll showed him leading Burton.

UPDATE: This one is over. Dr. McGoff gave it a good fight, but with 95% of the votes counted, Burton's close to 6,000-vote lead cannot be erased.

1 comment:

  1. If the tables were turned and the Republicans had an exciting primary, with crossover from Democrats, Burton would be gone.
