Thursday, May 01, 2008

Joe Andrew: Hey, Look At Me

People who know Joe Andrew know that there is nothing more that he likes than being the center of attention. Hence, he earns a Drudge Report headline today by announcing he is switching his superdelegate vote from Sen. Hillary Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama. His switch of support won't sway the votes of any Hoosiers, but it will earn Andrew a lot of press attention. And for him, that's what it's all about. I can only imagine the things being said about him right now by the Evan Bayh crowd.


  1. Joe Andrew is an IDIOT with NO BACKBONE. Why would he stand behind a candidate that lacks the experience and intelligence to make sound decisions? Obama stood behind a hate-filled, racist pastor for 20 YEARS! Stating "to disown him would be like disowning my own mother" and 1 month later.... disowns pastor. Why? Because apparently he didn't have the intelligence and the proper judgement to see what EVERYONE else could BLATANTLY SEE regarding his pastors comments. Joe Andrew? GIVE ME A BREAK! He is disappointing VAST numbers of democrats with HIS POOR JUDGEMENT in jumping behind a weak, no-backbone, poor judge of character like Obama. Shame on you Joe Andrew. Obama's choice of a racist, hate-filled pastor and too little-too late reaction DOES NOT impress voters. Hillary is our ONLY hope against McCain.

  2. What do you expect? Look at his brief , but disastrous run for governor in 2004. His own running mate dropped out of the race and he learned of that from the media!

  3. He is sure going to look stoopid when Hillary thumps Barack "Alfred E. Neuman" Obama on Tuesday.

  4. HC I have to disagree that Hillary is your only choice against McCain. I'm really hoping she will win the Democratic nomination, becasue she is such a polarizing figure that fence-riders who might have voted for Obama will almost certainly vote for 'Nice guy' McCain instead of vitriolic Hillary. In reality though, we all know what is going to happen. Obama will win the popular vote, but the superdelegates will nominate Hillary.

  5. McCain is lost without a cue-card. He's a robotic politician who (with HIS experience), should KNOW about the military (particularly because it's supposed to be his strength). He confused the "Shiites" (Iranian Muslims) with "Sunni's" (their rival sect and members of al-Qaida) on news cameras only to be corrected by JOE LIEBERMAN on CAMERA?!. WHOOPS! That's a foreign-relations blunder just waiting to happen! In addition, McCain knows less than nothing about the economy.

  6. As for Obama, a senator who was sworn in in January of 2005, he lacks experience, backbone, judgement, and the ability to win a big state. HE CAN'T DO IT. 70% of his supporters would vote for Hillary. Only 50% of Hillary's supporters would vote for Barack AND... that was BEFORE all of the Reverend Wright Hoopla. Barack Hussein Obama IS NOT A SMART CHOICE. Hillary will FIGHT for fixing this country. I don't want a wimp for president named Barack Hussein Obama.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It sounds like you're trying to convince me to vote Democratic this year. My point was, that no one outside the core of Democratic hardliners thinks Hillary Clinton is even electable, let alone 'the answer.' After 8 years of GWB I was certain that the Democrats would hold onto the White House for the next 20-30 years, but its almost as if they've consciously found a way to throw the election. A protracted negative campaign, followed by what is sure to be a divisive nomination spliiting the Dems along lines of race and gender, topped off with either an underexperienced or overpolarizing candidate running against a war hero. Wow, great victory plan.

  9. hello I was actually looking for a place to send you an email. A new statewide survey shows Senator Clinton surging to a 10 point lead after the Rev. Wright controversy.

    WRTV Channel 6 has the full results on its website.

  10. Hi Alli- What I was referring to (and what I failed to clearly state) was the National popular vote. I'm predicting that Obama will win the *National* popular vote, but that Nationally, the superdelegates will select Hillary. Nonetheless, you can email me at dansik at insightbb dot com. ;)

  11. I love how Obama gets whipsawed by his critics who play both sides of the fence. "Obama should denounce his pastor more emphatically," they say. He must "separate himself" from his pastor, they say. So what does he do? He listens to Karl Rove and all these Republicans, makes it clear he does not share his pastor's views, and now guess what? He's being criticized by HC for disowning his pastor after saying he wouldn't disown him. Remember this, blog readers...when someone asks you to do something, you do it, then they still criticize, it was a setup. HC was never going to vote for Obama anyway.

    Also, I always liked Joe Andrew. He was a very good party chairman for Indiana, and I have never known him to be a spotlight hog, as Mr. Welsh has depicted him. Sorry. I think he really believes (as another commenter has stated) that this ongoing fight is bad for the party. Also, I disagree that it won't swing some votes. Also, if Obama picks up one or two more superdelegates, now he's just swung momentum regardless of what the polling data says.

  12. Don't count Obama out. Joe Andrew has his pulse on the party. Trust his opinion.

  13. Figures, another worthless toerag with no backbone gonna swing behind another worthless toerag. You would think people would take the blinders off and see Obama for what he really is before its too late. Guess they will just get what they are asking for.
