Thursday, May 08, 2008

Greene Named Executive Director Of Marion Co. GOP

Marion Co. GOP Chairman Tom John today named Robb Greene as executive director of the Marion Co. Republican Central Committee. A press release from the party reads:

"Robb has helped candidates win the toughest of races here in Marion County," John said. "He will no doubt help us continue our efforts to elect candidates and promote a Republican vision for Indianapolis and Marion County."

Greene recently served as the Marion County GOP's Political Director, personally overseeing the successful Republican campaigns for City-County Council in 2007 that took back a Republican Majority. Greene also served as Campaign Manager for the successful campaigns of Jon Elrod for State Representative in 2006 and Scott Keller for City-County Council in 2003,as well as a stint with the Indiana House Republican Campaign Committee among other experiences.

"I have no doubt Republicans will continue to provide leadership and earn the trust of the voters of Marion County," Greene said. "Our goal as a County Party will be to continue to provide the needed support so our Republican officeholders can advance the principles of limited government, lower taxes, and government accountability.

Greene is also a Precinct Committeeman in Wayne Township.

Robb is well-liked and will be a great addition to the party in this new role.


  1. If Republicans had more people like Greene running the party they would be a lot better off. He's someone I honestly like from the Republican side.

  2. I've met Robb a few times and event spent a few hours getting to know his dad while I was greeting voters on election day [March 11 - Robb's dad was representing Elrod].

    Robb is a good guy. Big congratulations are well deserved.

  3. Robb's a good guy...congrats to Robb.

  4. Robb Greene as Executive Director of the local GOP party is a no-brainer if one is familiar with his hard work; the party is well-served.

    I'm surprised tho Gary, that you didnt mention that Kyle Walker accepted a Deputy Firector position with the Indianapolis Dept of Public Works. Nothing personal against Walker, but he, along with Tom John, didnt work against Ballard in the campaign, but neither of those two actively supported Ballard for 9 months, with the possible exception of the last 2 weeks of the campaign. Yet Ballard offers Walker a Deputy Director position?

    Wierd, politics. People get rewarded when they dont support a candidate, yet those who do, get tossed aside.
