Saturday, May 31, 2008

DNC Restores Half-Vote Status To Florida And Michigan Delegates

The DNC today voted to restore delegates to the Democratic National Convention, both pledged and unpledged delegates, to half-vote status. In Florida, where Clinton defeated Obama 50%-33%, she will net a 19-vote edge in pledged delegates. Where it gets really screwy, though, is the DNC's decision to automatically award pledged delegates to Obama in Michigan where he did not even appear on the ballot. Under the plan approved, Clinton receives 34.5 delegates to Obama's 29.5 delegates in Michigan. Clinton stalwart, Harold Ickes, condemned the DNC for substituting its judgment for that of more than a half-million Michigan voters. He promised a credentials fight at the convention, even though Clinton supporters on the panel voted for the proposal. Clinton supporters repeatedly disrupted the meeting to protest what they saw as a disenfranchisement of Florida and Michigan voters. MSNBC said today's decision will now push the magical number to win the nomination to 2,118 delegates. According to their count, Obama is about 65 delegates shy of winning the nomination.


  1. How on earth could Obama get ANY Michigan delegates????

    He took his name off the ballot there and received ZERO votes.

    Gotta love them Dems. lol

  2. Hillary did not have much of a choice in order to be fair it was either exclude Michigan completely like was originally ruled, or come up with a solution that allows for some delegates for Obama. Right or not, it is impossible to argue that Obama would not have received one single vote in Michigan had he been on the ballot. Hillary's options were net some delegates, or have none of them count. I thought it was a reasonable fair decision by the DNC's RBC.

  3. But Obama took his name off the Michigan ballot. He decided not to contest it. It was his choice. Shouldn't Hillary get more delegates from say Idaho, since she decided not to contest the caucuses and surely would have received more support there had she done so?

    Candidates don't enter certain primaries all the time.

    I don't get how a candidate who chose not to be on the ballot can get any delegates awarded to him as if he received any votes.

    Until I realize that it is the Dems we are talking about, who have made an art form out of awarding votes to candidates who did not actually receive them.

    And I don't think this was Hillary's "choice" either, as she has reserved the right to appeal this to the Credentials Committee.

  4. Actually every major candidate took his name off the ballot except for Hillary. Even Hillary admitted that it was a primary that did NOT count until she realized that she needed them to come closer to winning. Then her sense of entitlement kicked in and the votes should count. Over 40% of those voting voted uncommitted. Not many people go to the polls to vote uncommitted. Most of those votes were ANYBODY BUT HILLARY votes. Actuall I think the DNC should have stuck to their rules and awarded no votes to anyone in Michigan.

  5. Anonymous3:05 AM GMT-5

    hey Michael,that sorta thing happens all the time.Its amazing how many people out there wont change their minds when its already made up!Its like a big drunk society!
    jane doe
    Florida Drug Rehab
