Friday, April 04, 2008

Rosenberg No Longer Treasurer For Carson

A filing this week with the FEC by the congressional campaign of Andre Carson shows that Erin Rosenberg is no longer serving as the campaign's treasurer. The report filed April 1 now shows Melina Kennedy, an unsuccessful 2006 Marion Co. prosecutor candidate, as the campaign's treasurer. Rosenberg, who is Jewish, was the only person with the courage to stand up and walk out during the funeral services of the late U.S. Rep. Julia Carson when controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan spoke. Farrakhan weaved into his eulogy an endorsement of Andre to take his grandmother's place in Congress. Andre Carson, who is Muslim, also raised eyebrows when he traveled to Washington for a fundraiser hosted by people associated with the Council on American Islamic Rights (CAIR). Carson later returned a contribution from one of the attendees at the fundraiser who had previously been linked to terrorist organizations.

UPDATE: Ruth Holladay reports that Rosenberg has assumed a position as senior policy advisor. Hmmm.


  1. Our new Democratic Congressman André Carson representing Indiana's 7th District (Indianapolis) was a featured speaker at the major commemorative event today on the death of Dr. M. L. King Jr. Mrs. Robert (Ethel) Kennedy and her son Max also spoke earlier...

  2. And Wilson says, "Hey, Look Over Here!"

  3. Congressman André Carson spoke out for diversity and community unity to a crowd of hundreds while some local blogs try to foster racial and religious divisions for partisan political gain ...

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM GMT-5

    And Mr. Wilson totally ignores the blog post and hi-jacks it for his own use.

  5. Wilson can't help himself. Wilson's allegiance to a hate monger who only represents the leftist majority and defends Muslim extremists who want only to take over America is disgusting.
    Maybe Erin finally saw the light. She was seen at lunch with Orenlinger. Maybe she has switched teams, if so it's about time.
    Melinda must be one stupid woman to align her self with a sexist Muslim who believes that women are the lesser sex. You D’s need not post how smart and bright she is, her actions speak for her.

  6. "Our new Democratic Congressman André Carson representing Indiana's 7th District"

    First off Wilson Andre doesn’t represent Indiana’s 7 Th, he represents the DC majority that tells him how to think and vote. History will remember Andre as an "also served". He is nothing more than a seat warmer not unlike some congressional wives who retained the seat until a qualified candidate wins an election. The DC elite choreographed Andres assent to the seat and the local misguided party went along for the ride.
    After Myers or Orenlinger kicks his butt in the primary Carson lite will be done in Indiana politics.
    Then it will be Elrod’s turn to step up and take advantage. I for one can't wait.

  7. Ernie, "Muslim extremists" is verbalism commonly used by the MSM to describe Muslims who do bad things like KILL us! They use this term because it is accepted as a politically correct way to describe the abhorrent behavior of certain Muslims who simply follow the teachings of the Koran and the prophet Muhammad. How often have you heard so-called "moderate Muslims" speak out against the atrocities committed by "Muslim extremists"? The answer to that question would be NEVER, which leads us to this question: Why not?

    My point here is that a Muslim is a Muslim. Some step up to the plate and carry out to its logical conclusion the teachings of their religion and some just haven't yet. So can we cut with the extremist qualifier and call a spade a spade...or how 'bout just a Muslim.

  8. Anonymous6:02 AM GMT-5

    Wilson, sir, you are a hack.

  9. Just Saying...I hear Muslims denounce "extremists" in their faith ALL THE TIME. In fact, I've heard MORE Muslims denounce extremists than I've heard Christians denounce Christian extremists. This makes me wonder why you haven't heard the same thing. Here's my e-mail address: Give me the names and phone numbers/e-mails of every Muslim, or ANY Muslim you know, so I can talk to them and ask them their feelings about "extremism." I want to see if they have denounced it publicly.


    Really? Not even one? How come you don't know any?


    Could it possibly be because you're a hyperparanoid bigot, and you'd never WANT Muslim friends BECAUSE you're a bigot.

    As an aside, I look at Christianity in the 20th century, and I say that it has turned the corner only in recent times. It's history is one of violence and more death than Islam has ever caused. It has served as the cornerstone for colonialism, the inquisition, the crusades, the holocaust (kill the Christ killers), slavery, segregation, and I'd say it continues to serve as support for women as second-class citizens, so don't get too high and mighty about Islam on this score.

    People always talk about how Islam subjugates women, but Andre Carson's wife works outside the home as a teacher, and their relationship is very much a partnership. In contrast, when I recently attended a Church of God wedding, the minister talked about how the man makes all the final decisions. Is that equality? Of course not, but this is STILL the word in the Bible, and it is STILL why so many churches won't let a women lead a service, let alone a congregation.

    For every violent passage one digs from the Koran, I'll give you one from the Bible justifying everything from killing homosexuals to stoning a wayward child.

    What matters is not the words of the dusty texts, but rather, the modern interpretation they are given by those who follow that faith. A peaceful mind finds a peaceful interpretation for Christianity. Another mind kills an abortion doctor with a high-powered rifle because of a religious mandate.

    A peaceful mind finds a peaceful interpretation in Islam. Another mind blows up a building because of a religious mandate.

  10. Also, Gary, this is shoddy journalism if you haven't talked to Erin about WHY she's no longer the treasurer. The implication of your story is that she resigned because she couldn't take the indignity to Jewish people because of Farrakhan and the CAIR fundraiser. If you know this, say it. If you don't, stop suggesting it.

  11. IPOPA, Don't accuse me of shoddy journalism. Everything in that post is factual. Not once do I say that is the reason she is no longer the treasurer. When key persons leave a campaign, there is always speculation on why the person left. Just check out the revolving door at Schellinger's campaign and all the media speculation that followed each depature. Even die hard supporter Wilson Allen dodged an opportunity to explain.

  12. ipopa, the questions journalism answers are "who, what, when, where, and how".

    "Why" is for the op-ed pages.

  13. IndyErnie, checkout

    "André Carson has voted with a majority of his Democratic colleagues 100.0% of the time during the current Congress."

    Can you say 'rubber stamp'?

  14. Ipopa - just a few comments.

    "It has served as the cornerstone for colonialism, the inquisition, the crusades, the holocaust (kill the Christ killers),...

    Hitler was not Christian. I don't understand how that meme continues to perpetuate itself.

    "For every violent passage one digs from the Koran, I'll give you one from the Bible justifying everything from killing homosexuals to stoning a wayward child. "

    First off, that's not true. Coming from a guy who has studied both books, the Koran's overall tone is much more violent. Also, please remember that Christians are not bound by Old Testament law. We follow the teachings of Jesus, who fulfilled most of the OT mumbo-jumbo, and let us be saved not by sacrificing animals, but through His grace.

    'What matters is not the words of the dusty texts, but rather, the modern interpretation they are given by those who follow that faith. A peaceful mind finds a peaceful interpretation for Christianity. Another mind kills an abortion doctor with a high-powered rifle because of a religious mandate.

    A peaceful mind finds a peaceful interpretation in Islam. Another mind blows up a building because of a religious mandate.

    For the record, I agree with you. But this is 2008, and you have to look at the severity and frequency of the actions. A crucifix floating in urine and cow's blood won the NEA prize a few years ago. No death threats, no riots. People make a cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb for a turban, and look where we end up.

    Just sayin'.

  15. "André Carson has voted with a majority of his Democratic colleagues 100.0% of the time during the current Congress."

    Yes Aunt Nancy, anything you say Uncle Ted, OK Aunt Nancy, If you think that is best Uncle Ted, etc. etc. etc. Get use to it BL Andre isn't capable to think for himself.
    I wonder how many time a day he checks in with Farrakhan?

  16. While Ernie Shearer is sputtering his usual hate-filled and ignorant insults, Ruth Holladay does basic journalism:

  17. So! It's all BS. Thanks Gary. Jeez.

  18. "While Ernie Shearer is sputtering his usual hate-filled and ignorant insults"

    I don't hate you Wilson...I just think you are an idiot.

  19. Anonymous1:10 PM GMT-5

    What does "hmmmm" mean?

  20. Lance R.:

    I'd be the first to tell you that I'm no bible scholar, but I live with one, and she repeatedly states that the old testament law didn't change, only the dispensation did (e.g., the law is the same, the punishments are no longer necessary).

    But that doesn't make the violence disappear. I've read the Koran as well, and I'll go line for line with you, if you'd like. Also, not everybody believes Jesus is the son of God. So, in theory, Jews should be as violent as the old testament. They aren't though. Why? Because they made a conscious decision to NOT embrace that part of a book that sounds like a mentally-deranged deity. I have no doubt that the extremists of Islam are more extreme because they've never been raised in a pluralistic society. But that doesn't speak for the whole of Islam. Most people in this faith are peace loving.

    As an aside, I'll never understood how photographing a crucix in urine constituted "art." But having said that, the only reason I even KNOW about it is because televangelists wanted "an issue." If evangelicals would have shut up about it, NOBODY would have known about it, let alone gone to see it. Instead, they worked themselves into a lather and promoted a boycott which got the photo in about 3 or 4 magazines (I remember Time, U.S. News & I think Newsweek running it). A complete nobody was turned into a household name AND an anti-censorship warrior. Good job, evangelicals! You did EXACTLY what he expected.

  21. I forgot to add....."Hmmmmm" means Gary is going to CONTINUE to make you think something sinister is afoot, just as he did in my initial post, even though Erin essentially got a promotion. The treasurer's post of a federal campaign is better-suited for a lawyer. Have you seen the federal election code?

  22. I thought Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ted were his policy advisors. They are the ones telling him how to vote.
    It sucks not being represented in congress. I guess I'll have to e-mail Ted or Nancy when I have concerns. We all know Andre won’t listen to his constituents, he could care less.
    Why does he always have Wilson speak for him? He monitors the blogs but doesn’t have the brass to respond himself? Can anyone say “chicken shit”?

  23. "policy advisor"?

    The “policy advisor” position is nothing more than a partisan appointment. Why not save the US the extra bucks? Carson could cut his budget and do without a “policy advisor” if he going to continue to vote as told by the majority.
