Saturday, April 05, 2008

Obama Plans Indiana Bus Tour

Sen. Barack Obama will take his presidential campaign on a 3-day "Road To Change" bus tour across Indiana beginning this Wednesday, April 9. Obama will be stopping in "communities large and small" according to the campaign's press release. Specific stops will be announced in the coming days. Indiana is now earning the kind of attention from the presidential candidates you typically only see in Iowa or New Hampshire. The media loves it. And it's not bad for our state's economy either.


  1. Ah, a bus tour with dates yet to be announced. No doubt it will stop in the most populous counties as well as any city containing one of Indiana's superdelegates. But can someone explain how a candidate's bus tour is beneficial to our economy? Is it because any Obama buttons sold here are subject to the new 7%?

  2. Will someone please ask Obama to talk about this Larry Sinclair thing. And to please ask about his why he said he had voted for the Stimulus Act, when he did not. Please..... Thank you
