Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Myers Dumps Another $356,000 Into Congressional Campaign

Dr. Woody Myers dug into his wallet today and loaned his 7th District congressional campaign another $356,000, bringing the total of his personal contributions to his campaign to over $1.6 million. Myers' decision to bankroll his campaign has allowed him to make the hotly-contested Democratic primary race a two-man race between he and U.S. Rep. Andre Carson according to recent polls. His problem is that he still trails Carson in the 4-way race. Can he beat Carson without going negative? The Carson political machine has already begun spreading nasty rumors about Myers in an effort to sideline his campaign. This is standard fare for any campaign in which the Carson political machine is involved. If you're going to take on the Carson political machine, you better show up to the fight with an AK-47 (figuratively speaking) with all rounds firing if you want to survive. Myers had better go on the offensive real quick if he wants to end on top. Otherwise, he'll be lucky to survive the next week with his reputation in tack if the past is prologue.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Let me guess..........humm was it Wilson?

  3. Carson and crew are nothing but thugs.
    Don't back down.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Ernie, use the 'thread' view for complete detail:


  7. It is amazing that the negative comments of IndyErnie never seem to get deleted.

  8. Thanks BL I knew it, Wilson just can't resist.

    I hope Myers takes Carson to the cleaners.

    Art (Wilson?) it's because at least a hint of truth is in my posting. That can't be said for Wilson... very often.

  9. You can take it to the bank that Art Fuggins is really Wilson Allen. Wilson just can't help himself. My favorite Wilson comments are the ones where he posts extremely bigoted or racist comments under a pseudo name to set up an opportunity for him to come on and post a comment expressing outrage at the person's bigotry in an attempt to slur the commenter's views as those of a blog.

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  11. ______________________________

    Anyone who knows politics will tell you that this IS a two man race.

    I am a big fan of Carolene Mays, but it's time to face the facts. If Woody Myers doesn't reach out to the supporters of Carolene Mays and David O quickly the race will be over before Tuesday.

    Myers will also need to ensure that he has strong poll workers in place on Tuesday. The two major parties pay poll workers to handout postcards of the "Slated Candidates".

    Woody MUST have his own poll workers at every major Democrat polling place or he has NO CHANCE of winning!

    Now that it's a two man race, I'm pulling for
    Woody Myers For Congress!


  12. I agree with AI. If Woody doesn't start attacking in some way, and not the normal negative advertisements then he is doomed. Other then online I read nothing about Andre being next to last in his class, not fullfilling his term on the CCC, being given his job by Granny's supporters, etc.
    I think a rally point is made if those areas of Andre's record can be exposed in a way that is not part of your normal negative style campaign. People hate negatives, but they watch them.

  13. I saw another Woody TV spot today. This guy is so divisive......

  14. Woody continues his divisive campaign, now saying Bush is responsible for educational failure….

    Woody, go back to San Francisco! -where you relate to their people. In Indiana, we want quality education and good schools, not some liberal rendition, where nobody fails, everyone moves up, no matter if you achieve the required standards or not!

    No Child Left Behind is a LEFT-WING, LIBERAL FIASCO! No Child Left Behind must end!!! Truth need be taught, that if you don’t achieve the standard, you fail. You do NOT pass. It is not someone else’s fault that you did not do your homework, study, or pay attention.

    Now I am convinced that Woody Myers is NOT for us!!!

    …he is a left-wing extremest!!!
