Friday, April 11, 2008

Elrod Raised Nearly $200,000

According to the latest FEC reports, Republican Jon Elrod raised a respectable sum of $191,902 to date in his bid to become 7th District congressman. About 60% of that money was raised from individuals, most of whom reside in Indianapolis or one of the surrounding counties. He had cash on hand of $6,144 and reported debts and obligations of a little more than $15,000. That wasn't enough to compete head-to-head with the more than $250,000 the DCCC dumped into Carson's campaign during the special election or the more than $100,000 Carson raised from out-of-state special interest groups, but it's more money than some observers thought he would be able to raise by this point in the year.

Andre Carson has raised $625,763 to date. He raised $178,000 from individuals and more than $442,000 from PACs. Carson has but $93,000 to make it through the May primary at this point and owes more than $26,000 in debts and obligations. It looks like contributions to him are beginning to slow as Myers and Orentlicher begin cranking up their efforts. Carson refunded $1,000 given to him by the Coalition of United Professionals, $500 from the Indianapolis FOP and $300 from the Stephanie Tubbs Jones for US Congress Committee. He also refunded $605.82 he received from Talib Karim of Washington, D.C. and $500 he received from Donna Christiansen of the Virgin Islands.


  1. Those figures are as of 3/31/2008, not "today".

  2. I wonder why the refund of the donation from Stephanie Tubbs Jones. I dont care for her but money is money........I am going to send him a nice donation to help make up for it. Andre has the potential to be a great congressman for Indy.

  3. OK Mr. Wilson, what are "todays" numbers? Did someone dump a lot of cash into Carsons fund?
    Was it people or special interest groups? If he has the cash on hand, why not settle the debts?
    The "seed" is a replant of the "original"

  4. Anyone who knows politics, knows that a debt of $26,000 is chump change and usually relflect expenses for which bills have not been received yet okr loans the candidate has made to the committee. I will assure you that Andre has ample money to pay his debts and to run a first class campaign. You have to remember that because Woody Myers is using his own money and spending it like a drunken sailor that he triggered the Millionaires clause in the campaign financing law and the $2300 cap on donations no longers applies. The supporters who have more money can make extra donations.......

  5. So Elrod is running in the red... poor guy.

  6. _______________________

    The book "Freakonomics" say that statistics prove that a congressional candidate who spends twice as much money as in a previous contest with the same opponent will pick up one percent more of the vote.


    Therefore if Jon Elrod could raise ten times what he raised for the Special Election and spent every dime of that money, Jon Elrod will STILL LOSE by one percent.

    (This presumes that Elrod runs against the same candidate and that candidate does not raise more money than he raised for the Special Election.)

    This is a seat that will be won by a Democrat. For Woody to have a chance to win, he will have to go after Andre much more than the little press release this week. For Andre to win he will have to go after Woody.

    This will open the door for the best candidate in the race, Carolene Mays for Congress!

    Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth."

  7. "And when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to the Father which is in secret;...."

    Voters will not be deceived by Carolene May's new campaign photo which, for the first time, ever features her wearing a large, ostentatious crucifix! It's even larger than ones traditionally worn by Catholic nuns (and much more ornamented). She never was spotted wearing such a flamboyant display of her religiosity at the Statehouse or elsewhere...

    Is she running for Congress or Mother Superior?

  8. Carolene is only running because she realized that the Dems in her district were going to dump her from her state rep seat for supporting Mitch Daniels and voting with him frequently. This way she can say she didn't the state rep seat but that she gave it up to run for Congress....and she will finish 4th or lower in that race.

  9. Carolene is only running because she realized that the Dems in her district were going to dump her from her state rep seat for supporting Mitch Daniels and voting with him frequently. This way she can say she didn't the state rep seat but that she gave it up to run for Congress....and she will finish 4th or lower in that race.

  10. _________________________

    Carolene Mays is the best candidate!
    She has strong support with blacks, whites, churches, Pastors and women voters.

    I can hardly wait for you to see the WTHR/IndyStar poll we're expecting to be released the fourth week of this month.

    Andre and Woody will finish with a strong second and third place.

  11. You are right, Rep Mays has never had a huge crucifix on at the statehouse. However she has stayed true to her Christian principles as she voted at the statehouse. Even if I disagree with a candidate, I can respect those that stay true to their principles. For instance Mr. Carson is a devout Muslim but he supports abortions, which are forbidden in the Al Qur'an. So before we begin to throw stones, let's make sure our candidate does not live in a glass house.

  12. ...and what are Carolene's positions on abortion? She's voted all over the place on that issue!

  13. Carolene has always voted the way that Mitch Daniels wanted her to vote.
