Monday, April 21, 2008

Carson Turns To Labor Unions And Muslim PAC For Money

The campaign of U.S. Rep. Andre Carson, struggling to compete with the self-financed campaign of Dr. Woody Myers, raised $30,000 in special interest money from a variety of labor union PACs and the Indiana Muslim Political Action Committee according to his latest filings with the FEC. That's a drop in the bucket compared to the $450,000 Myers just kicked into his campaign treasury, bringing his total contributions to nearly $1.3 million. There is no indication the DCCC is dumping any money into Carson's primary race like the $250,000 it gave to Carson in the special election race against State Rep. Jon Elrod.


  1. Advance Indiana:

    I enjoy your blog. I think you do a good job of raising issues others often don't. But having said that, your coverage has taken an intolerant slant. So Carson got money from a Muslim PAC. I bet if you look at the PACS donors, everybody who has given is an American citizen, which means there is nothing illegal about their donations. If I had heard you express outrage about Mitt Romney's money from Mormons or all the money evangelicals gave to Bush, maybe I'd just think you're expressing concern about the influence of religion in politics. But I can't shake the feeling that you are trying instead to suggest something suspect in these contributions, and in so doing, make sure Muslims are marginalized, demonized, or both, as participants in the political process. That's simply intolerant.

    Your expected retort: "I'm just reporting facts." Sure you are. Remember that the next time you have a discussion with some Republicans who gripe about how the "liberal media" runs stories about deaths in Iraq but not about the surge's successes. You can tell them they're wrong because a death is a fact, and the media is just "reporting the facts."

  2. I belong to a union that has donated PAC money to Andre. This is not dues money but voluntary money members give to support candidates. As to Muslim money, would it be more acceptable to you if it were money donated from Catholics, Jews or Christians. Andre will continue to be a fine representative for the 7th CD.

  3. Gary, any comments on the Ken Blackwell editorial that is running about the internet? I received it from my brother in Arkansas and it is touted as a black columnist speaks out on the real Obama....
    Here is the link....

  4. Carson made a comment Sunday night, it went something like this " We will take their money but we won't stop doing what we want"

    Carson hasn't voted once without being told how by the democrat leadership. Carson has no idea how he is going to vote from one session to the next.

    Special interest and PAC money will dry up if he stiff's them when it's time for repayment....does anyone honestly believe that Andre Carson has the backbone to do what's right? I don't.

  5. Yep...there's some more of that "change in Washington" that he keeps promising.

  6. Please tell us why Obama endorsed Carson? I thought Obama was against PAC money in Washington?

  7. ipopa, It is entirely relevant to raise questions about who Carson is raising money from. He is raising virtually none of his money from individuals in the district. More than 90% of this money is coming from outside the district and from PACs.

  8. hoosiers for fair tax: That is my question as well. Carson goes against everything Obama is campaigning for. He's campaigning for change. Carson isnt change, he's more of the same. He's campaigning against special interest groups. Carson is all for that. etc, etc etc. It doesnt make sense to me. Obama has lost my vote with his endorsement of Carson, I am very sorry to say. Its a hypocritical endorsement, if you ask me.

  9. Advance Indiana:

    The Indiana Muslim Political Action Committee Task Force that gave the donation of which you speak is made up ONLY of Indiana donors. Most of the donations are from college students.
