Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chelsea Clinton Not Happy With Lewinsky Question

Former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton continued her tour of Indiana college campuses today on behalf of her mother's presidential campaign, which is making a big push for Indiana's May 8 primary with earlier visits by both of her parents this past week. Speaking to a group of college students this afternoon at Butler University, Chelsea was asked about her father's affair with Monica Lewinsky and what affect it may have on her mother's presidential bid. Chelsea reacted quite negatively to the question. She responded:

Wow! You're the first person actually that's ever asked me that qustion in the maybe 70 college campuses that I've now been to, and I don't think that's any of your business.

The crowd applauded her response to the unwelcomed question. You can view a clip of Clinton's response to the question at WTHR's website.


  1. This incident occurred at Butler...

  2. WTHR's Chris Proffitt said the question was asked by a Ball State student in the 6:00 report. The online news story just added says Butler.

  3. It's too bad that Clinton put his family in this situation.
    A child should never have to answer for the transgressions of the father.
    It was an honest question and an honest answer. The young man asking the question may have been genuinely concerned or may have been dealing with family problems of his own and was seeking direction.
    Bottom line, Bill is a pig for doing this to his daughter and wife. I'm sure they are tired of the question.

  4. She was out campaigning for her mother. With that comes responsibility. No child should have to bear the burdens of their parents, but if you cannot withstand the heat, please leave the kitchen. The young man asking the question seemed genuinely concerned, neither negetive nor vindictive. With the intensity and turmoil of the war on the demoncratic canidates, a question like that was certain to arise.Spokespeople deal with thison a daily basis. As the daughter of a former president,there are a multitude of ways to show her support if she cannot withstand a curve ball here or there. Why is it that the Clintons like to play dodgeball? An open and detalied lie = "I mispoke." A genuine question that deserves acknowlegement = "None of your beeswax." LMAO

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. She did answer the question and she answered it well.

    Are you the same people that considered the lesbian daughter of Dick Cheney "off limits"? I remember the over the top "mock outrage" about it like it was yesterday.

    I thought the question was ridiculous and classless but I'm not surprised that out of all of the college campuses she has visited the question would be asked in Indiana.

    She answered it appropriately and I'm glad that she did.

  7. As much as I disagree with Clinton and her politican position, Chelsea was dead on with her response.
    She didn't dance around the question,. She hit it head on.
    Maybe she's becoming a conservative who just happens to be stuck supporting mommy!

  8. The apple never falls far from the tree. Chelsea sounds as rude, obnoxious, and snide as is her mother. Welcome to politics privileged little girl.

  9. I agree that Chelsea answered this question with the appropriate response. Those that criticize her such as Medici are just Clinton haters. There is no nice medium ground with the Clinton's. People either hate them vehemently or love them tenderly. Chelsea is not the person to ask a question about political ramifications to start with. There was a thought I head a lot about.... Hoosier Hospitality. In any narrow definition of hospitality it is not proper to insult your guest with comments to which shuold be directed at others.

  10. Newsflash!

    Chelsea ain't a little girl anymore. People who want to play with the big kids have to be ready to get into the scrum with the rest.

    Personally, I think Chelsea is a good surrogate for her Mom's campaign. But, to expect to be soft-balled wherever she goes is ludicrous. Maybe if she were still 14, but she isn't.

    For those of you who think Chelsea should be molly-coddled on the campaign trail, you sound like a brood of mother hens.

  11. This question was not posed as a probing personal question, but as a political question. Whether the younger Ms. Clinton desires to confront the issue or dismiss it in the manner in which she did, the question is out there.

    To dismiss it as she did, of course, shows that she may be incapable of distinguishing between personal attacks and theroetical questions, or dismissing cleverly posed questions of the former variety by answering them as the latter.

    It's a fault the Clintons generally suffer from...

  12. If Hillary can't run her own household and keep her husband accountable to his marriage vows, then how is she going to run the country and hold the government accountable?

    I agree that asking Chelsea the question is a bit dirty, but she's the only member of the three-headed monster who seems to be interested in taking unscreened questions from the audience. That's the risk you take, and I bet a lot of smartass college kids probably wanted to ask the same thing at all those other stops she's made.

  13. The incident did indeed occur at Butler. Not at Ball State.

  14. She answered the question as if it was a personal attack; however, it sounded like a reasonable political question to me. It may not have been a question I would ask, but that does not make it any less legitimate. I thought her repsonse was very Clintonesque. Frankly, that is the first time I have ever seen her deal with a tough question and her dismissive tone and manner did not become her. She really seemed to be a chip of the block. By the way, I do hate the Clintons, but probably not as much as I hate Bush/Cheney.
