Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Money Ain't All It's Cracked Up To Be

It's official. Former Mayor Bart Peterson outspent Greg Ballard 11-1 in his losing re-election bid. Ballard spent just $375,000 compared to the $4.2 million Peterson spent. In the last three weeks of the campaign, Peterson spent $1.7 million compared to Ballard's $201,000.

Meanwhile, Gov. Daniels' campaign reports that he raised $5.9 million for his re-election bid last year, leaving him with more than $6.7 million on hand. Jim Schellinger (D) raised almost $2.5 million last year and has about $1.8 million on hand. His Democratic rival, Jill Long Thompson, raised $634,000 and has $436,000 left. Although polls show her leading Schellinger, she may have a tough time holding on to that lead without more money to pay for the costly media buys she will need for the May primary.


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM GMT-5

    I just can't stop laughing about that.

  2. Anonymous1:11 AM GMT-5

    Bart Peterson was a crook and Greg Ballard is an idiot. What is the difference for us in Indianapolis, we still lose!

  3. Anonymous1:25 AM GMT-5

    Oh! Bart, That's got to hurt!
    So that that mean that John Dillon has to buy his own drinks now?

  4. Anonymous1:44 AM GMT-5

    Perhaps Ballard needs to spend a little more money trying to understand why he betrayed the people who supported him!

  5. Anonymous6:41 AM GMT-5

    Ballard doesn't need to raise money for a second term. There wont be any. With the collection of losers he has appointed, the already broken promises and the way he has treated those who actually did support him is shaming.

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM GMT-5

    I'm a Democrat and I'm not near ready to write off Ballard's tenure yet. He has done some bold things. I trust him, don't think he'll lie, and wish him well.

    We'll see if it works.

    And more important than ANYTHING he does--he owes absolutely no one. Do not under-estimate that fact. Fully half of the people appointed, and the issues promoted, have contracts or money as their root. Which means the citizens' needs aren't at the center of attention half the time or's all about contracts and influence. Strip that away, and there' senough money in the city budget to do the things we need to do.

    Remove that root, and you have a refreshing new way of governing. And once that toothpaste is out of the tube, it's hard to put it back.

    At least my party had the sense to put Monroe Gray on the back bench. Now maybe we can get on to governing.

    I gotta admit tho, all the precinct level Dems are chuckling at the Dillon/cocktail comment. It's priceless. As happens with many successful politicians, Bart listened to the wrong people--wayyyyy too often. Dillon arrived at the Sat. Congressional caucus late, and as he walked around the only friend he could find to talk with was Lacy Johnson.

    Irrelevant, thy name is Dillon. And O'Connor.

    Build your own joke there.

  7. Anonymous8:28 AM GMT-5

    How would you like to be Bart's campaign manager Mike O'Conner and have to put that HUGE defeat on your resume.

  8. Anonymous8:17 PM GMT-5

    Perhaps Ballard needs to spend a little more money trying to understand why he betrayed the people who supported him!

    Just how were you "betrayed"?
    Didn't get the appointment you think you deserve?
    Didn't get an "honorable mention" in the Ryerson Rag?

    Ballard doesn't need to raise money for a second term. There wont be any. With the collection of losers he has appointed, the already broken promises and the way he has treated those who actually did support him is shaming.

    17 Days as mayor and you already have him packing his bacgs.
    I supported him. I don't feel betrayed. I was treated great. Still says "Hi" when he sees me!
    Remembers my name!

    Ballard has more gratitude than Peterson ever had.

  9. Anonymous3:35 AM GMT-5

    O.K. Children. It is just too early to begin these debates. Time will tell and there is plenty time to determine how well Ballard will do. That being said, one thing about the statement that Ballard does not owe anything to anyone? That is great but surely he must be aware that you do not turn your back on those who supported you and embrace those who clearly did not support you? That is simply strange! If you owe me nothing that also means, I owe you nothing!

  10. Anonymous3:42 AM GMT-5

    How could Bart Peterson have appointed John Dillon as Deputy Mayor. Why would Bart Peterson ever listen to John Dillon. This guy is a complete Ass! He is well known for his nasty attitude and statements, he is always threatening and harassing people especially women and minorities and he is well known for his profanities and yelling! Well Bart, you have only yourself to blame! and John, the good news is that it is always Happy Hour!
