Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Generation X Taking Over Congress

Aaron Blake of The Hill takes a look today at how Congress is increasingly becoming populated with younger members with Indiana's 7th District about to become a part of that trend. Blake writes:

More than a dozen 20- and 30-somethings have a real shot at being elected to Congress this November, suggesting that the apparent surge of youthful participation in national politics is not confined to the presidential contest.

The average age of members of Congress has crept steadily toward 60, but retirements should make way for some very young blood when a new House of Representatives is sworn in next January . . .

One seat that will get much younger is that of the late Rep. Julia Carson (D-Ind.). The March special election will pit her grandson, 33-year-old Indianapolis City-County Councilman Andre Carson (D), against 30-year-old state Rep. Jon Elrod (R).

Each was selected by local party activists over the weekend. Carson defeated state Rep. Carolene Mays (D), an established local figure who publishes an African-American newspaper. Elrod built a reputation with a tireless door-to-door campaigning style that Republicans think can win in a Democratic-leaning district.


  1. I read the story, too. Looks like Aaron, if he's a Gen Xer, is falling victim to the same kind of laziness which his generation is all too often accused.

    Andre beat Carolene, yeah...but the bigger vote-getter was David O.

    But I guess that tidbit would've reuqired some reportorial legwork.

    Tully must've learned from reporters like this.

  2. Anonymous3:32 PM GMT-5

    Andre Carson got over 100 more votes than David O. How do you figure that he was the bigger vote getter....He is a great state rep and I hope remains in the legislature.

  3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=2O8fJyovpn0

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM GMT-5

    3:22, try to follow along, OK?

    I meant that among those who did not win, David was a bigger-vote getter than anyone...something like 126-21 over Carolene, I think.

    Which makes any mention of her in The Hill, without mentioning David O's performance, well...let's just say it's sloppy journalism.

    Yes. We all know Andre won. How could we freaking forget?

    Get back to me Mar. 12, um, uh-kay?

  5. Anonymous6:27 PM GMT-5

    Uh 332, Andre Carson is not a state rep....

  6. I hope that Gen X can fix the mess the Baby Boomers left behind. I've said I'm tired of seeing politicians refight the Viet Nam war era ideologies again and again. As a Gen Xer I can say most of us don't care what any candidate did during the 60s. Either learn from history and get over it people or get out of the way and let someone else do the work that needs to be done.
